So you western guys want to work together to find russian woman and clean up the scammers
How do you do it
Simple collectively you all stop buying services from the agencies for 3 months. You email them and tell them you want real service not corrupt services
Thats how you improve the situation.. Sending sulking messages on here and consoling each other on a forum isnt going to change things
Then watch what happens... Because i know agency owners I know that they are making less money than they did 5 years ago... Im refferinbg to the older ones... Its becoming less desirable for classy intelligent educated men .. So my view is by attacking the agencies who rip you off with credits etc
Last time I checked the whales still need saving, global warming is on the rise, what about wars -- still going on.
Really, seriously, you spend a lot of time here on this and it is a non-issue. Scammers are easy to spot, not really a big deal. Personally, I've been really happy with the service here at, I've met some great ladies and am planning a second trip to the FSU.
It's not for everyone, it might not be ideal or practical but it's what I want to do.
So you've determined that this isn't for you, moving on is a good option. Find a nice French girl in your home town (Oh yes I did) to marry and live a happy life.
Im not sulking. its you men who sulk 1 year after telling people on here how great your russian bride . 1 year after its failed and you sulk... Then you try again ,,, keep trying ,,
But dont mislead people here. Novice people need to know the facts of what is going on
You KNOW agency owners??? Which ones?? Why don't you just have a sit-down at lunch with them sometime and fix all of these "Problems" instead of whining to us in this Forum?
Becoming less desirable for classy, intelligent, educated men? Hmmm.....
From your recent posts, which one puts you into any one of these categories?
Why is it that I can get the owners of these agencies on the phone in a matter of minutes if necessary, yet you hide behind a bogus screen-name & email on a free mail server?
If you have valid points, lets hear them in detail, rather than repeatedly spouting a bunch of gibberish about what, and who,you know. If you can provide factual information, the people here might be willing to listen IF you have valid claims. I'm sure many of them are the classy, intelligent, & educated gentlemen you speak of. Create some credibility by giving your name & actual contact information (like these supposedly "corrupt" agencies do) rather than being a ghost.
You created this thread. Lets see what you've got.
Shut up loser.. Whats wrong do you have a vested inteerst in mail order brides??
My only interest is that new novice men know exactly what they get involved in.. All i read here is how "wonderful it all is" some forum... I have no financial interest in it dick .. And im certainly not going to reveal whom I know. But let me know when you are in Kiev next and ill meet you and tell you face to face over a coffee.... lets see what youve gott?
cmon when will you be in Kiev
Martin you seriously crack me up.. I would save your lawyer costs for your divorce case with your russian bride when she tries to peel everything you own.. Dont spend it on me.
And by the way if you feel I am irrelevant nonsense why are you getting so hot under the collar and threatening me with lawyers..
Shut up geek
Advice to novices. Vanechka that would be you. Anytime you need to know anythng ask me and I will help you. I know you are new to all this but we are here to help newcomers like you. First of all I suggest you go and visit. Find a good agency and they will advise you. I can tell you a good one in Kherson.
When have I ever said that I have, or will have, a Russian bride?
If you, for once in your life, open your eyes you may start to read what people write and stop presuming what they write.
A bride, anyway, is only for one day, I guess you've been believing too much of what you've read on those agency websites.
Keep jerking-off sunshine, you'll learn one day how to get yourself a lady.
I already told you in another thread. I arrive in Kiev on December 26th, & off to St. Pete on January 8th. Back to the USA on January 20th, unless I take an extra week to visit Kaunas. I booked the flight on Northwest Airlines, & KLM goes from Amsterdam to Kiev on Dec. 26th.
And no, I have no financial interest in any agency either, I'm one of the "Novice" men you speak of.
One of the things about your posts that makes them hard to believe is your tendency for name calling for those who do not share your view, or question what you say. Makes you sound like a disgruntled juvenile delinquent.
What's the big secret about "who" you know? If you know the agency owners, why not bring your concerns to them rather than us?? Seems to me it would be much more efficient.
You seem to have a lot of claims, but I haven't seen you post any facts... just opinions of someone who obviously has a beef with these agencies.
State your claims in a clear, concise, & factual manner.... otherwise you're just blowing smoke.
I hour by air to Odessa then maybe 2 hours by car, 1 hour 50 by air to Mariupol and then by car or probably 7+ hours by car all the way.
I've done 6ish hours by car, more than once, and is not an enjoyable experience on Ukrainian roads but you do see village life and not just the big cities, quite educational in a way.
I think I am done with this dimwit. Best to just get on with the normal forum business and walk around him. He doesn't know anybody. There are literally thoudsands of agencoes al over FSU nobody knows 'all' the owners it is a silly statement. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that this is a teenager who has stumbled onto this forum with his friends and is having some fun.
He doesn't know anything, has never been to FSU, certainly has never even had 1 relationship let alone marriage and generally is juvenile.
You can't argue with a kid. So we are the silly idiots for continuing to bite. He is having fun with everybody. It is a joke.
I did the Kherson thing in September I assure you it is 3 hours by car. In dry conditions with no fog. It took longer returning to the airport. Very bad fog.
Personally I think renting a car is a minefield. It is expensive, if the car breaks down you are screwed, you cannot deliver it to another location. There is also the problem of signs in another languge etc etc. Take a train or plane it is easier and cheaper