After posting my profile online for about $50 I figured I'd never hear a word and had just flushed $50.
About a week later I get an email from a shy sounding girl named Anastasiya. Countless emails and one $160 phone call later (with a translator) I'm leaving for Volgograd on Nov25th!
Living in the not so great white north I have discovered the the Canadian government basically requires me to go to russia and marry this girl before they will permit her to enter the country. If she was a terrorist she would get in no problem but that's another topic.....
I have always been an excellent judge of character and I believe that Anastasiya is a sincere, honest, gorgeous, innocent, etc etc... Russia girl who actually wants to marry me and live in Canada.
To marry her in Russia I need some sort of official paper stating that I am indeed free to marry her. Does anyone know anything about this?? How long I should expect to be waiting after the trip for her to arrive in Canada?? Any tips from those of you who have been to Russia on what to expect? Natually I can't find any answers to any of these questions and your input would be much appreciated!
I can't wait for christmas to come this year! Family I rarely see asking me " So what have you been up to this year? " ... " Oh not much I went to Russia and got married. " HAHA this is gonna be great!
Your childish behaviour will definately not attract you to a russian woman.AW may be prepared to put up with frivolity,but,believe me an intelligent russian woman will not.If you think you are getting a russian woman so you can piss off your family,think again.If you want this girl,good luck to you,but want her for the right reasons.
you want input rather than critisizm I suppose.
Nobody can tell you what to expect, and that's why you go there to look for yourself. Take it from there I suppose, don't rush into decisions you might regret later.
IF she's the girl for you (and you're the man for her) then do whatever is needed (but marrigage) to get her into your country. Pay her ticket and get her into your home. Show her what's going to be what, and if you (plural) still want to marry then do it then - not after your first 'date' in (for you an apparently) strange environment.
You could 'engage' overthere, an non-official function or party, to allow her friends & family to meet you. Such function would ease the miss of her friends if you eventually marry at home.
I am sure that your government - any! - will allow her a Visa when you personally declare liable for her.
On this point CodeRed - surely you could comment here?
Nice to see the input from "Ronnie" here. I am fairly new to this forum myself but do not recall seeing input from him/her before. But why the sudden and almost reflexive negative reaction to any man who refers to finding a potential Russian wife? The comment that wtrav made regarding his fiance's stomach being flat - warrants "I give it six months."? Does it touch a sore spot, Ronnie, that some men like flat stomachs (and Russian often have them)? The humor jparkinson tried to interject into his posting ("Oh not much I went to Russia and got married") makes him childish and therefore unappealing to Russian women? Get real Ronnie. Lighten up. Do we have a hidden agenda here?
I've noticed the date of origin thing too, and at first considered it bizarre to comment on dead issues. It may be too late to actually offer advice to jparkinson (since his awaited Christmas has long passed). But while the case may not be current, the issues are. And the commentary of this forum is really meant for other readers anyway. Besides my actual response was to Ronnie, who brought these (current or not) threads to light with her own bias views.
I'm with jetmba on this. There is way to much criticism on this board (I should know I've done some of it).
I thought the comment about Wtrav's fiancee and the "6 months" was a bit cruel to be honest. No need for treatment like that is there.
With regards to JParkinson, he has a sense of humour. Good for him I'll bet the women will love it! - Lets remember women like Happy people not depressed pshycho's!!!