I'm surprised that a web site with a good reputation like Dating-Ru advertizes for the sleazy www.adultfriendfinder.com. I know, it's just business, but I would think that Eleview would have some minimum standards of acceptability for companies they accept advertizing from.
We are not advertising for them and we are not advertising for anybody. But since our site is a member of two banner exchange networks (dating.net and dating-exchange.com)I guess the banner of the site you mentioned was on a rotation in one of those networks.Among the members of those networks there is plenty of other sites with good reputation, so I suppose if among 100 good sites there will be a sleazy one...just one.. that would not be too harmfull for dating-ru.com image;-))
I agree with Gary, it is indeed annoying (and confusing especially for new customers) to see these ads popping up on this site. However, we have to consider that in the current competitive environment sites like dating-ru are trying to cut corners and make some money for themselves. The alternative is to increase prices or reduce service, but everyone is already complaining about prices being too high and service not being as good as desired.