Hi everyone.
I will be going to Kiev in the middle of april to apply for a second visa for my girlfriend who lives in Kremenchuk. She had already been and visited me in Manchester in the UK 2 times now on her last 6 months visa. She will hopefully be visiting me over the summer period for 3 weeks around July. The question i am trying to find out is if when she comes to England we decide to go to Paris or Italy for a week do i need to apply for a Schengen visa?? If so where do i apply for such a visa? Would i do it whilst at the Ukrainian embassy at the same time i am applying for her 6 months tourist visa or can i apply for it when she arrives in England from the english embassy??
i think he means the UK embassy in the Ukraine when he says Ukrainian Embassy.
Normally you have to apply for a visa only in the country you are residient so for her it would be the Ukraine, but i don't know the details about Schengan visas. She should apply to the embassy of the Schengen country where she will spend most of her time.
Iperedruk can you tell us how she got a visit visa for the UK in the past as people say its hard for a CIS girl to get such a visa. How did she prove she would return to the Ukraine?
And yes it would be the British/UK embassy not English.
One can apply for, let us say, a French visa at any French Embassy worldwide etc. etc. etc.
A Schengen visa should be applied for from the actual country of destination as that country are likely to see that the two of you, her certainly, have accommodation etc. arranged for your visit.
Of course arranging such accommodation is easy, just visit a hotel chain website, make a 'changeable' reservation, print it out, submit it with your application and once you have the visa revisit the hotel website and cancel the reservation and then do what you like!
Thanks Martin, i thought it would be harder than that. Interesting.
It probably depends on the country but i do think in general you need to apply for a visa in your home country. I don't think it would be possible for someone on a visitors visa in say the UK to go to the French embassy in the UK and apply for a visa. This is true for the UK for example from the UK embassy of Moldova website..
The British Embassy Chisinau would like to announce that the Consular and Visa sections have now opened to the public.
The visa section will accept applications from Moldovan nationals living in Moldova in all United Kingdom visa categories. Applications from other nationalities who are currently living and are registered in Moldova will also be accepted.
I once made an enquiry of the Luxembourg embassy, for a Russian lady that at the time was staying with me, it wasn't a problem to apply for her Luxembourg (schengen) visa in London.
Thanks guys for your information.
My girlfriend got her first visa by us both applying at the Ukrainian embassy in Kiev. We had to bring with us proof of our relationship with supporting documents like photos, emails, telephone records, letters etc. They also wanted a lot of information from my girlfriend herself such as employers details , family etc.
Once this is handed in there was a waiting time for them to process your application. Then her name was called out and she had to go to a cubicle and was asked questions by an interviewer about us and how much she knew about me etc. Then if they are satisfied they say either tell her yes or no whether the application has been successful.
You then have to wait again for the visa to be entered into her passport.
The whole process took us all day at the embassy but if successful its well worth the wait.
You should have seen the look of joy on my girlfriends face when they said yes to her application.
- Its along time since i have looked into the visa game, however becareful and check it out first as i seem to remember something about having to wait until the schengen visa expires before being able to reapply for a uk visa - it was something mad like that. you dont want your lady being stuck and not able to visit again next time.