I an going to SPB.I have rented an apartment through SPB rentals.I am looking for an interpreter for a few hours a day.Four days.Any help,advice,information would be apperciated.Also any stories of other men visits. Doulas
Dear Doulas,
How much are you ready to pay for an interpreter an hour? And please, when ecactly are you coming to Saint Petersburg?
Nadezhda (guide-interpreter, Saint Petersburg).
Dear Doulas,
How much are you ready to pay for an interpreter an hour? And please, when ecactly are you coming to Saint Petersburg?
Nadezhda (guide-interpreter, Saint Petersburg).
Hello Nadezhda,
I will be arriving the afternoon on the fifth and leaving early morning the ninth July.A short trip.I would like to pay 10-13 USD an hour.I need an interpreter between 2 to 4 hours a day.July 5,6,7,8. Thanks,Clifford
Hello QC,
My mail is dukeclifford@yahoo.com.Your advice is apperciated.The strrets may not be paved with gold,my heart is.When was the last time you were in SPB?
clifford you wish me to teach you russian it wont cost you a dime iam happy to do - iam in australia and yes an aussie .
для того чтобы выучить взятия русского длиннее iam времени счастливое для того чтобы научить вам на computor забывает переводчиков своя деньг для ничего микрофон.
to Mike00
Why did you post this sentence in Russian obviously translated by a computer translator program? This sentence does not make any sense translated that way. If you suggest to teach someone Russian, I think you should do a little better than that.
To every one,
The town I live in has a few thousand russian speaking people(nice place to live).I signed up two semesters for a class in russian at a small 2 year college.It was cancelled both times,lack of people.The same collge has a dozen sections of classes for english as a second language.I have taken steps to learn simple words and phrases,russian,from a friend.I have a translation program on my computer.
Now,There are two reasons for my efforts.I am meeting a friends sister in Spb.We are equal in each others languages.I need a translator for our talks.I want to learn simple russian.I believe it is a matter of respect and courtsey.This lady and I talked on the phone at least an hour every week for several months.She lives on the edge of Siberia in a village.There is not an agency there.Her sister lives here..married to an american.I just need an interpreter in Spb.I want a female interpreter that would enjoy sharing meals,sightseeing,theather as my guest and recieve an hourly wage as well.I could not eat dinner and not invite an interpreter,or anyone at my table, to share with me.I guess what I want is someone that would enjoy helping two people bridge this language chasm.From my heart thank you alll. Clifford