My wife would like to have her parents visit this summer and I wondered if anyone here has had a successful attempt at this. They (parents) have their International passports and I know it will cost $200 for their visitor visa appplication. What other paperwork is needed besides an invitation?
Dale...although we have yet to apply for visa for Lena's parents we have looked into the paper work. My interest has been Ukraine but I just checked the web site for the US Embassy in Moscow and the requirement appear to be the same. You just need to send a letter of invitation. they need to fill out form DS 156 , if there is a male between the age of 16 and 45 form DS 157 must also be filled out.
I have e-mailed the embassy in Kyiv and I was told that they must insure to their satifaction that if a visa is granted that the applicant will return home as required. The embassy personel could not, or would not make any recommendations as to any specific documents that would prove ties to their homeland.
Probably not alot of help, but I think most here at not at your stage yet. You might try
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Russian brides > Main Forum > What paperwork is required for a Russian In-law visit to the U.S.?