I would like to know the time frame allocated by Fiance.com for letter writing replies...i like to write much and often...problem is...often i send the letter and the site has timed me out...wiped my letter...and i have to start all over again...very annoying and frustrating.
yes, make your letter in any text editor first, save it from time to time on HD, as your comp can crash you will us eit too.
time framse is given on the leter page. I will check with our IT.
ok...could you please excuse my naivety and in-experience(im new to this) and tell me how to paste? I went to edit tab and cut,copy and paste tabs are not highlighted...i know i should probably do a course or something...however i also know there will be a simple and easy way to do this...i just need a person who knows how to do it to give me a layman explaination....cheers
Or you can use the keyboard combos
First highlight the text you'd like to move, then hit the combo CTRL+C,
then click on the mouse in the form where you'd like the text to move pasted, and hit CTRL+V.
another way of doing this is with a mouse. Highlight the text, right-click the mouse, move the cursor to Copy, then point the cursor where you'd like to paste your text, right-click the mouse, and choose Paste.
ok Xelebes...i followed your "hint" and it installed the ladies letter that i was to reply to into the box where my letter is supposed to be written...i wish to install my own prefabricated letter in the reply box,not her letter...am i still missing a critical hint aren't i? lol
Prepare your text on Microsoft Word, then with the left mouse highlight it until it all goes black, then, and with the cursor over the black area of text, with the right mouse select 'copy', then, going to where you want to paste it to, with the right mouse select 'paste'.