My suggestion has always been the same: if you dont receive a response in two weeks, contact our administrator.We'll check on this lady and check if she got this message for sure. Sometimes we find out that the lady is not interested any more, she just didnt asked anybody remove her data from the site. Like in your case 5 ladies have really old ID's, means they were placed in a catalogue two years ago or so. And those ladies are not from the agencies,means the only way to check if they are still available is to use their e-mail address.If the lady dont responds in two weeks and she is not from the agency, we remove her info.
I too have many outstanding first messages. I contacted the administrator (I think), at least customer service, and was told they were looking into it and that I should be patient. I am still waiting, but am being patient. Sometimes things just take time...I am hoping however, that the one that I did get back quickly and then wrote again, is not lost somewhere...Used the forwarding service and have no confirmation of delivery, or no reply yet either. That was from the 11th. Most of the first messges were from the 2nd through the 8th and have heard back from only 2?..
Anyway Gary, just be patient, and definitely contact the customer service. It will be worth the wait!!!! (Or so I am hoping!!! :)
Olga, thank you fro all of your information on all the posts. You are a true Jewel!!
Guess you cant understand what Olga wrote. Some woman will respond some wont. Some are not interested anymore. You will get some responses to your first letters some you will not. Its a numbers game thats why they recommend you write to a number of them to see who responds. Its simple if they respond they are interested. If they dont then they are not. Some are old members and need to be deleted. The one you like most may not want to respond to your letter. Or is not interested. Or they found a mate. Thats the reasion for first letter free. So your not paying for the non responses. As Olga suggested, if a lady does not respond in two weeks, Move on.
Yea Jimmy... cool to see ya bitch. heard Bonham is jaming with Elvis these days. How's Robert anyway? and what u'r doing here by the way... whana whole lotta love?
I just recieved a reply from someone I wrote to in late September. Don't giv eup hope, and subscribe to the vip service, I get e-mails to let me know when a message is recieved by the girl, it is a great help! I have sent out over 100 letters, but talk to about 10-15 people regularly. Every week I do a new search, and send out about 40 e-mails, of which an immediate response rate is about 5. Sometimes the ladies wait so long, I forget writing to them! Get yourself the vip membership, and go nuts! He who casts more lines has the better chance of cathing the fish
Okay fellows! Slow down a bit. Olga what pain did I deliver you baby? I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings or showed disrespect darling. Give me a chance and I show you my ocean of love baby :-) Lets become friends you and me Olga. You will not be disappointed… promise. Okay?
And to you MihailMacheret. I believe you’ve got it all wrong, I don’t think Olga want to be more man than any man since I've got the feeling Olga is a woman. Bitch is a wonderful word but never call a girl magpie! That is terrible! So get of my back man!
Go in peace brother and let my sister be the blossom of the fruit trees
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk and mad to be saved, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars.