Contribution is what this Forum should be about so here is my first real effort which I hope readers will find interesting. I recently read an article concerning chemicals in the brain, thus...
"love makes or causes seratonin levels in the brain to decrease, which may lead to people to obsess about their lover. (seratonin levels are low in people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Next it increases the stress hormone cortisol, leading to a slightly higher blood pressure and possible lack of sleep. Basically you end up obsessive, stressed and blind"
I mention this article because maybe some men fall "in love" with a photo and are blind and cannot see the scammers, goldiggers etc.?
Anyone who "fall's in love" with a photo and a virtual person is inviting scammer's,goldigger's and the like...the loss of their money will become a lesson in reality...and after all we all live in reality,albeit to varying degree's.
So treat the virtual world as just that, and the computer as just a tool for contact,not love!
And to add....people don't "fall in love"...they "fall in lust" come's and grow's from committment, devotion and honest personal that cancel's out the computer straight away!
We live in a time of "so called equality"....let's see some of these ladie's meeting the men half way...instead of the man still being expected to do everything.