Some complain about consulates (non-whites), others defend them (whites). For this and your future visa guidance, I'm providing the links to the State Department to consulate advisory cables. Please read them, and ask yourself: If these officials were really the human beings some of you proclaim they are, then why is the language of these cables so reduandant and spelled out, as if they were intended for special ed?
February 25, 2004
July 1, 2001
"Memoranda supporting petition returns should be scrutinized carefully and objectively, bearing in mind that they may become relevant in litigation.
The Department is regularly named as a co-defendant with DHS in cases involving the return of immigrant or nonimmigrant petitions to DHS.
Posts return relatively few petitions to BCIS for revocation. This is a positive practice from our perspective.
The memo supporting the petition return must clearly show the factual and concrete reasons for recommending revocation (observations made by the consular officer cannot be conclusive, speculative, equivocal or irrelevant)."
Hi Martin.. DHS (Dept of Homeland Security) & BCIS (Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Services) This post is really aimed at the usa.. I'm still not sure what Sergey's point is though..
Sergey, I can tell you of many white friends whose fiancee visas were denied unlawfully, for such reasons as their previous alien spouse got a green card thru them, or they didn't disclose some part of their biography to their fiancees. Neither is a legal reason for visa denial.
"A visa can be refused only upon a ground specifically set out in the law or implementing regulations." 22 CFR 40.6
Ask yourself this question: What keeps you in line? Fear of consequences? Legally speaking, in the US:
Each & every federal government employee = United States = sovereign
When there is no liability, why bother? Most Americans have a shock of their life, when the US attorneys present sovereign immunity as defense to their every allegation. They at least expect an explannation as to why their visas were denied unlawfully, but don't even get this satisfaction. US attorneys come up with "doctrine of consular non-reviewability is without exception (lie)", and here's my favorite, "consular officails are bound by neither reason nor department regaulations (absurd)." So, welcome to United States, "with..justice for all."