Greetings from Iceland. I would like to ask for advice on hotels in St.Petersburg..I am going there for a week in end of this month, I have been in St.Pet two times before and I always stayed at hotel Moscow before and would like to get a little better hotel in the center close to Nevsky prospect. Hotel that is glf friendly and good rooms..please advice on this.
Greetings, Olafur.
I lived in Luxembourg for a number of years and 40% of the country's population are foreigners of every desciption thus I would be mixing with different nationalities every day of the week.
Of course I dated ladies, of many nationalities, but the craziest women were definately Icelandic and/or Finnish and, as they say, been there and done that and never again.
As an example, I was walking an Icelandic home one evening, she had had by far too much too drink thus I was being the gentleman, but despite my best efforts there was no controlling her and after an hour or so, we had probably reached 500 metres up the road in that time, 2 guys stopped in a car, had seen the clump of blonde hair, and had obviously decided to abduct her.
Well I had promised our friends in the pub that I was going to see her home safely and if I make a promise then I intend to keep it and as one of the guys bundled me to the ground the other bundled her into the car. In theory I had lost the battle but the 2nd guy had to let me go to get into the car himself and that's when their problems began, as he let me go I got up and to deter them from driving away, with her inside, I could only think but to 'put the boot in' on the front wing of their car and that is exactly what I did and with the desired effect.
Thereafter a scuffle broke out however a police car passed very shortly afterwards, statements were taken and the police, assuring me that they would look after the lady, persuaded me that I should make my way home which I did. Guess what, the lady subsequently spent the night in jail because she thereafter started her 'performance' with the police.
Now if anyone ever suggests that dating an FSU lady is complicated then they've obviously never tried dating an Icelandic or Finn :)
No offence intended to olafur and I'd like to think that he'd probably agree with me.
P.S. The Finn I dated threw up in my bed but that's another story :)
...and a very true story happened years ago close to my home( I live few kilometers outside Reykjavik), a guy was kissing a drunk girl that I knew and she threw up in his mouth, I saw this and it was not a pretty sight..muhahaha:-) Here in Iceland we truly have many top class women, interpendant, hard working and intelligant, but...we also have some of the crasiest women you will ever meet. Most Icelandic women have large female friends groups that like to go out and raise hell and I mean HELL!!
To answer "boredafukka" No! It will not get you something more if you speak english or any oather foreign language and to tell the truth most likely it will be a minus. That is because many foreign newspaper and magazines have talked about Iceland as a "Sangri La" for foreign men and they know what they are after, so they are very vary. My best advice about sucess with Icelandic women honest, be yourself, do not try any tricks, because they know them all and come to the door as you are!!! Then things might happen.
One oather thing..and yhis I know for a fact, Icelandic women prefer Icelandic men!!
Regards, Olafur.