The constant reference to "Russian women".... in my view is the most inaccurate description and use of all these website's...they are "women from Russia"...not "Russian women"...
Why is it that the country of origin takes precedence in forming and advertising an individual's identity?
I think a great deal of stereotype's will be eliminated when we all start correctly identifying ourselve's as gender first and nationality may sound trivial to some...yet the word's we use to describe ourselve's have a great impact on the view we have of ourselve's and the world around us...lets break down these barrier's of nationality as we all join the global melting pot in an ever shrinking world.
Well said Martin......I personally hate the term "russian women"as much as I hate any steroetyping of cultures or countries,I know the common term usually invloves those terms but whenever I or my wife see them we both more so as I try to explain why!
I think I hear what you are saying delta, but I do not understand what is wrong with saying 'Russian women' or, taking on board Martin's comment, 'FSU women' I use the term FSU merely for geographical ease, not to try to be more sweeping about the varying cultures.
By saying 'Russian women', you are simply using the standard adjective/noun clause in it's natural order (to an English speaker). If you were to talk about a 'large house' or a 'colourful picture' then the second word in each pair is the vital one, the first word just focusses the definition. I don't see any inference that being Russian is more important than being a woman.
I certainly do not take exception to being referred to as an English man. Although it is nothing I take great pride in either :)
Thanks boy' pleased to see other's have similar view''s irrelevant whether we call them American women,Moldovian women,Ukrainian women,Russian women point is the constant reference to nationality first and gender second...lets hope we can see future reference's to women as women first and nationality second.
We can split hair's if you like many do you have?
She/he still remain's a woman/man first..from may call her/him what you obviously miss the point of this thread...are you an Englishman/woman?...or just a man/woman from England...What if you were born in another would still be a man/woman first and identified by nationality least by those who recognise we are all people and gender first and nationality is all about pride...even false the debate rages
Me splitting hairs delta9! You started this thread by doing exactly that, if there were any such nationality as English then it would be 'Englishman' and not 'Man from England' and this is clarified in the Oxford English Dictionary as follows:
Englishman (or Englishwoman)
a person from England
Hence, if the correct English language description is country first and gender second then the correct English language description would be 'Russian Woman' and that is not stereotyping anybody.
Im suprised you place all emphasis and knowledge on the english it's correct and all else is not....thankfully they periodically update this litereature to include the correct reference's as time's and people change...hence the motivation to start this thread...TIMES AND PEOPLE CHANGE...after all...CHANGE "is the only constant"...and it is bought about by people like me and format's like this.
Martin..if you are happy to call people by their nationality first...then please do is your choice and i do have tolerance of other's view's...i did start this thread to get other view's of what people thought...not what a dictionary thinks and record's...i could have looked this up in my own dictionary if all i wanted was a standard definition from further unemotional literature..
My question was..."why is it the country of origin take's precedence in forming and advertising an individual's identity"?...(like origin is the most important thing)...i am not interested in what the dictionary say's...i am hoping real people will offer their thought's...and like i may sound trivial to if it sounds trivial to you..dont reply.
The reason the advertising is "russian women" is because it is russian women that the guys here are looking for. I am not here looking for chinese or eskimos.
The reason I look for russian, is because they are what I am attracted to. They are mostly cacausian, attractive and have a culture and outlook on life, not too different than ours.
I am not totally exclusive of all others, but it is normal to look for someone of similar looks and traits.
Would you marry a muslim?
Maybe you would and it might be sucessful, but it wouldnt suit me at all.
I like the beach and dancing. Having my woman swimming at the beach, dressed like darthvader just doesnt work.
I would say the men here are more country orientated than the women. Otherwise, why are we on a site that is almost exclusively FSU women?
You are being totally pathetic, if you meet a guy on the street that you believe may be from France do you say 'Hello, are you man from France' or do you say 'Hello, are you French', you shouldn't need to ask if he is a man or not :)
I'm off to Romania again in a couple of weeks from now and I usually overnight in Dusseldorf on the way out so should I announce upon arrival in Romania that I am from Germany or Britain and likewise. on my return I am transitting via Munich and overnighting in Amsterdam thus announce arriving in Munich that I from am from Romania and overnighting in Amsterdam announce that I am from Germany.
I guess I'll wait for the periodically update of the Oxford English Dictionary when an Englishman becomes 'Man English', might be quite a wait :)
Put it this way, my parents in law are Russian but my wife was born in Uzbekistan and now holds a Ukrainian passport, now is she from Russia, Uzbekistan or Ukraine, indeed my Russian mother in law now holds a Ukrainian passport that states that she is of Ukrainian nationality so where the hell is she a woman from?
Adman, when you say that the men here are more 'country oriented than the women', are you trying to say that as long as they're from the FSU then it doesn't really matter what gender they are?!?!?
Getting back to it, then I think that saying 'Russian women' still sounds more natural than saying 'women from Russia', and not just because the dictionary says so. To my ears, 'women from Russia' actully sounds like it's making a bigger deal out of the nationality. It promotes the 'Russian' to a more prominent and resonant part of the phrase.
Anyway, surely it depends on the emphasis in speech - you could emphasise either word and say either 'RUSSIAN women' or 'Russian WOMEN' I would naturally use the second emphasis, unless for some reason the Russian part was more relevant to a point I was making. Are you sure you're not just vocalising the first emphasis?
I only date Ukrainian women, because I'm too lazy to get a visa to Russia, and I don't want to go flying all over the FSU. I don't know if there is a difference between the women in the two countries, but I will make an uneducated generalization and say that the Russian economy appears to be improving with oil/natural gas money. And let's face it, these women wouldn't be trying to leave their countries if the economic problems weren't so pervasive.
But they're not ALL looking to leave Philly, that is just something the agencies and dating sites want you to believe. The vast majority of the ladies want to remain in FSU, only a small minority want to, or may be persuaded to if they meet the right guy, leave their country.
Please understand that there are effectively two Russia's, there are the major cities and there are the small towns in the back of beyond, the economies of the two cannot be compared.
The economy of Ukraine, outside of Kiev, is crap but the prices are high in comparison. If things are so harsh then ask yourself how the ladies manage to afford imported cosmetics and designer clothes?
I agree with Martin, the ladies do not really want to leave the FSU for economic reasons. They are leaving their families and friends behind to come to a strange country. The legitimate ladies who sign up on these sites do it to find love. Someone that will love them and treat them right. The lady I found has a business refurbishing apartments. She does not need my money.
By the way, I tell people I met a Russian woman. If she was from another FSU country I still would say she is a Russian woman because most ignorant americans don't know where Ukraine, Moldova and don't even get me started on the "stans" countries.