Hi. Maybe someone can help me. I have been writing to a girl in Ukraine for 3 months and we have gradually become closer in the tone and frequency of our letters. She is really nice, obviously, and teaches English and therefore can put a lot into her correspondence. Teachers are not paid a lot in Ukraine. Anyway, I asked to visit her and she was much keener on the idea of visiting me in Australia. Being a migration lawyer, I was able to explain that the chances of her getting a visitor visa were not great. She then said she had talked to a travel agent and that they explained it was simple and all she needed to do was buy a ticket and that would be evidence sufficient to get the visa. I wrote back assuring her that this was my business, and that a number of factors were taken into account in assessing visitor visas and the chances of getting the visa were slim. I attached the government information and the forms. I also said that she should not book tickets through the travel agent but let me know the price they quote because I may be able to pay for the tickets from this end. Still she was very keen to visit Australia and be with me for a while. I said that we can always apply but she should not get her hopes up.....and be prepared to meet elsewhere.
Around this time I wanted to send her flowers. I asked her address and she would not give it to me. She said that a former boyfriend from the UK had sent her a present after being given her address. The present had not arrived and he accused her of not giving a genuine address and so she did not want to get hurt again. This rang alarm bells in my head. I headed for all the scammers blacklists on the net....some of them are quite comprehensive. She was not listed or named anywhere. And, her letters were not form letters but appeared real and responsive to my questions, affetionate and we really seemed to be getting along like a house on fire!
We have now reached the point where we both want to meet. She still wants to come to Australia. I again said that we can always apply but it would still be good to meet elsewhere. However, before we can travel anywhere, I pointed out to her that she needs a passport. These can take time in Australia.....I don't know how long they take in the Ukraine. She wrote back saying that she had talked to a travel agent and they said they could apply for the passport for her, it would take 10 days and cost 100$. She can't afford it herself as a teacher she is only on 45$ a month. Is this a realistic price for a Ukraine passport applied for within Ukraine? Is the Travel Agent the normal channel for application for passports within that country? Olga, do you know?
Don't get me wrong. I am not saying she is a scammer. On the contrary, I spoke to her last night on the phone at a friends place (she says she has no phone at home) and she sounds very nice on the phone and we seem to communicate well. She has a good command of English, which, as an English teacher you would expect. We really seem to be potentially a good couple but these niggles in the back of my head are worrying me. I would not want to lose the relationship. She claims she has no experience of overseas travel, and this could explain her lack of knowledge about the travel process. Also, some travel agents probably hike prices when they see western money. Am I paranoid, or should I be worried? I thank you in advance for any comments suggestions or help.
Looking over your concerns, I would insist that she wait for you to meet her. I don’t know anything about Visas for her to Australia. However it is my understanding that they are not easy to get. I think you are correct in telling her it is a waist of time until you have met. I would inform her that you are making arrangements to visit her now and monitor her reaction. She may just be ill informed or the agency she is going to is taking advantage of her. If you are happy with her reaction to you’re going to visit her. Then tell her you want her address in order to visit her. If she still refuses to reveal her address to you. I would be very suspicious. Her reason for not giving you the address is really lame. Plus she has asked you for money and that alone is a warning sign. I think Olga can tell you more about the wages of a teacher and the cost of a passport. But if it were me I would not send any money and insist that I am coming to meet her and I need her address for it. See her reaction. It’s my bet you will not hear from her again.
Good luck!
As far as I know, the official cost of international passport is less then 20$. In this case you can get it in a month. Urgent procession of application( usually tarvel agencies offer this service) is around 50$(thats really expensive for the passport)and you get a passport in 2 weeks or even less. In fact one can make this pasport himself, but that means long standing in lines , brining your papers to diferent offices and a month of waiting. Thats why lots of people prefer to make it via travel agencies. Thats true both for Russia and Ukraine.In fact 100$ is possible, because all agencies have their own prices, and those are almost unlimited. The quicker you want you papers, the more you pay. and 10 days-thats really quick.So,,,this is the way the agency is trying to earn their money.So...this price looks really high and strange...but its not impossible. As for the wage of teacher-thats a correct info. Some teachers get even less, bith in Russia and Ukraine.
As for her address...I think if you are on a stage of planning your future meeting, and if she is really ready to come to your country, giving you the address shouldn't be a problem for her. Just explain her how much its important for you to have her address...If you are going to send her money, you may need her address for Western Union transfer as well.
Thanks Olga, thanks Codered. i know her chances are nearly impossible for getting Australian tourist visa but we can always meet somewhere else. As long as the passport costs sound realistic, we will go ahead. I will buy the tickets from this end and see what is available. But first, after the passport, we will make application for the Tourist visa and see what happens. Once again thank you.....and I hope the story has a happy ending.
Oh dear! She has asked you for money and she won't let you have her address.She accepts your calls from a friend's telephone.I'm sorry,but this will not have a happy ending.Get out now.
I’d say start with her giving you the banking-details of the travel agent so you can transfer the required funds for her passport – direct! You then request this agency to send you a pro-forma invoice (for reserve-bank purposes or whatever) so you can see what is being charged!
After collection of this passport ask her to produce a scan of her passport, which is both possible and affordable (her money, don’t be daft) at Internet-café’s. But don’t tell her now, only when she says she’s got it!
You risk minimal money this way, and her producing this scan will prove you two things: she did not take your money and now can travel, and also the photo will prove it’s her (don’t laugh).
Assuming U2 get the Visa for her you then buy reverse-flight tickets down-under, and mail her the relevant data for collection.
Easy as pie Mate.
If the Visa fails ask her where she wants to go instead – you might learn more this way, and it really (if you are going to meet somewhere) does not make a big difference.
Unless she goes berserk with demanding 5* Monaco for instance – ah well, it’s a gamble in any case.
But the address-bit does sound strange Stephen, I’d be careful if I were you…..
A completely other way of approach could be you telling her you don’t believe an iota of what she’s saying, and threaten to head-out now, before any losses. Only because she will not give her address to you? If she really likes you she will give you her address, or “a” address otherwise. You immediately send a photographer delivering flowers to this door, pronto, as soon as she gives you this address. Search the web, these services are offered, and you better use them in this –smelly? - case.
What can I say? - You both sound like you get on very well yet there are these doubts!
Lets look at this logically. You've been writing to her - I'm assuming this is by email or through an agency?..
You've spoken to her on the phone.
You both want to meet and get on very well.
She's flat broke
She can't afford to travel without assistance (not unusual for eastern folk!)
I don't see the problem. I would say she sounds fairly genuine despite the concerns you have. She could be a scammer, but from what you've described it doesn't sound too bad.
Women are naturally going to be protective of their personal information such as address's and phone numbers. I'd say the only reason some folk get womens address's is because those women will simply do anything to get out of their country into a western country.
You can look at this one of 2 ways.
1) She's a scammer who is after all she can get
2) She's a nice respectable woman who won't give her details to "Anyone" but only to someone she see's as special and trustable.
The fact that you have spoken on the phone would steer me towards number 2. I doubt that many scammers would go through phone calls etc just to make a couple of hundred dollars would they??
If it was me I'd feel a little uncomfortable asking for her address actually. Infact I'd prefer the woman to volunteer her address to me - that way I would know she is totally comfortable with me.
As you have said though, she is witholding her address. Why?. Ask her if she feels uncomfortable about you having her address or is it just because of the previous incidence with the english man. If she says it's because of the english man then get out ASAP - She's just trying to find an excuse not to let you have it. In reality whether you send postal items to her or not she should allow you to try - not just refuse because the last item got lost.
If she's just nervous about letting you have her address when she doesn't know you that well then hang in there. It's normal for her to be on her guard. Hang in and persist.