Has anyone else noticed this too? Lately, it takes two or even three days to receive an answer, and not all girls from the same town write at once. So, I think, it's now the girls writing, and not the agency.
I dont know who write the letters,
but some are held up for days, while fiance.com screens them.
I know f.com are trying to be responsible, but it slows things up, way too much.
Dear Martin_UK, accept my appoloies for my offencive post for you. I said: "martin know everything better than everybody, not a rocket science" if it is offencie, please forgive me. please do not post offencive post agains other members too.
No, if anything, what I wrote was a compliment in that perhaps it was the local agencies (not fiance.com) writing letters, which's been a common subject on this forum. It used to be that responses came within a day, and contained similar theme, questions and length. But lately, it is taking 2+ days to receive responses, and they vary in theme and length, so it must be the girls now writing.
Yes I've noticed that it now takes a day for a mail to be exchanged either way. I chat to a lady friend on another web site and she asks me if I have received her email. Usually I say no and then it arrives 24 hours later.
Also I no longer receive any notification emails telling me that I have received a message in my fiance.com back office.
cornway, you have not been receiving notification most probably because of your mail server/provider/outlook spam filters. check your spam folder. notifications are sent immediately after action happened. so, do not wait notifications, login to the site frequently. we can not control other providers. again you are more then welcome to ask support on what may be wrong with your account.
I did post an explanation of how the situation may be improved but the 'gestapo' deleted it and chose to hurl offensive remarks in the direction of one who suggested there was room for improvement(s).
Now there was absolutely nothing offensive in my first of two posts that was deleted however it appears that this forum is under 'gestapo' rule however the main point I made, and here I go for the 'gestapo' to delete me again, is that if on fiance.com's homepage they claim not to edit emails, except that these are not emails but online communications, then why do they need to screen them?
If they do not edit, but they screen, then the only purpose of screening would be to pass them or edit them thus they are screening them purely for the purpose of reserving their right to edit them.
I repeat it for you Martin, and not the first time: we screen only emails from new agencies to see if they compile with our rules. We do not screen emails from ladies with personal emails, and most of the agencies. And if we screen, we do not edit messages we put them on hold, or delete, or removed agency from the system. So your assumption is wrong.
So you have a policy to edit emails despite fiance.com's declaration on your homepage, to delete is to edit in full, the word being 'edit'?
So, and if I were writing to ladies, I were writing with a lady from one of your new agencies, we had arranged a meeting, and she had started talking to me intimately about bedroom activities and the sexual positions she would like to experiment with me, you would be reading this wouldn't you Olga?
Come on, admit it Olga, try not to be too jealous Olga, but admit it :)
we do not edit emails. this is process of the apporval for agencies to work in fiance.com system. when they are fuly accepted all messages go without approval. as for her lintimate letters- I would not read them but agancy will. so think one shoudl think what he writes via agency.
So even if the lady, with agency email, advertises that she has an English level of '10', then she cannot write a letter in English for herself but one of your affiliate agencies must write the letter, in English, for her and they will not allow her to sit at the PC and write it for herself, correct?