Met my first Eastern European lady last year in New York City. She took 10 years off me in one night. Became very good friends with her.
I have since met several other Eastern European girls through her – Romanian. All are already in the US as "students." All are truly exceptional group. So, I wondered, if I met a handful by accident in the US, I should be able to meet 1,000s on the internet?!?!?
I am new to Have registered at www. Anastasia .net I also use
I have never gone over there - yet. But I "sense" legitimacy in many of these beautiful ladies ... so my head and my heart are in a constant argument. From this experienced group I want to ask: Am I naive? Out of 100%, how many are sincere and true? (My guess is about 70%. Which is 100% better than domestic)
Also, I am interested to know if there is a negative stereo-type that originates in Russian and these FSU countries towards ladies that would use an "agency"? Is it possible that the REALLY, REALLY beautiful girls would never do such a thing?? And are busy studying for their medical exams??
Out of all possible portals, what proportion are represented on Fiancé? Do you have to join 5 – 10 sites to get an accurate understanding of the total market (can you tell I am in sales).
What additional ways exist to filter through large number of possibilities and establish quality relationship?
Mainly no hope and cronic economic harship drive these REALLY REALLY beautiful women to agencies and usually, not always, to partners that they would not be with(usually older or un-handsome men) if they didnt live in such conditions. Some will leave them as soon as they get citizenship and see all the gourgeous younger men with money and fast cars. Some will love you 4 real and stay with you until u die of age. The main thing is not to "go blind" and not be able to see through the "smoke screen" if there is indeed one. I had a friend that was so PW (pussy-whipped) that when I tried to warn him that he was being taken for a ride told me that he didnt want to know and for me stop telling him things(Percy Sledge -When a man loves a woman). He is now 6 feet under from a heart attack from a broken heart when he finnaly saw the truth and told me about it. She is now a very rich(death benefits u would not believe) and very single 23 year old US citizen and having the time of HER life. I also have a couple that met through an agency and are the type of couple anybody would envy, truthful, loving and commited to their marriage. No pun intended but in this game it is a real russian roulette. Good luck.