JB, I meant advertisement online that charge you a fee to get you a visa, preying on those that are not well informed or who think its a hasstle to get one. You won't believe how many do not know that you just get one at the airport.
I am getting my Invite which is needed by Indian Citizens to Visit Moldova, as far as the visa goes I plan to get the Visa here in Washington - Not because i dont know that you can get a Visa at the airport ... but because it is safer, when you spend thousands of dollars making a trip to Moldova, you might as well spend a couple of hundred dollars to get your Visa right here in US so that you dont have to worry about getting your Visa Rejected when you are standing in Moldova with a Passport in Hand saying "God I wish i had gotten my Visa in US" :)
Sashi, my apologies, I wrote as if all going there were US citizens. I have no idea of the requirements for non-US folks. For US folks the fee is $60 at the airport.
No Problemo :) No offense taken in the first place :)... could someone assist me with hotels and Accomodation... I see a couple of apartments in Marisha's Website... for 10 - 15 Euros a day... You see this is going to be a suprise visit... I intend to stay a few days in this apartment and when i suprise my lady Im sure she would find me a wonderful place which is also closer to her apartment ... I am looking for something thats cheap and will work for me for a couple of days .... Although I am going to stay there from Dec 15 - 31 this year ... just got my tickets today ... ... Working on the hotels now ....
The Question is are there places like marisha's place and so forth SAFE ? and i know i have to register my arrival in 3 days i guess if i stay in these apartments ... Any help / advice will be appreciated ...:)
What is your ultimate objective? Do you want to bring this girl to the US? If so, I can tell you, you won't have a problem with girl or her family, you'll have a problem at US consulate.