19 , 20, 21 year old women writing to 40 plus men.
Basically for most part ignore these type of letters from these incredibly young desirable women because they are not sincere.
Typically this type of woman will say in her profile "seeks man 19 to 55 age".
This means she is happy to go out on a date with a 21 year old potential husband material one day, and the next day she will be with a 54 year old man. I do not believe this type of woman.
I'm 42 and regularly date 24 - 28 year olds. That is happily possible.
Come to think of it, however, they have all be European, or East European. Dating a 24 year old American girl - THAT WOULD NEVER WORK.
I found a club in Brighton Beach, NY where I was generally received in a much more positive way (desirable) than a similar club in any town, USA.
Note that my experience is limited to Eastern Europeans ALREADY in the US. Which is perhaps a better gauge of an actual cultural dissimilarity that benefits the well maintained middle-aged man.
Besides, when I was in my 20s and 30s, I was an asshole. I think girls with a serious intention are wise to open to age differences. But I am interested to here from the vets with experience on this point!
well Peter Stringfellow has a lot of money for a start. That is always an attractive incentive for the young ladies he dates.
But to get back to subject matter you can usually read between the lines of a 21 year old ladies site profile. If she says she likes dancing and night clubs then you can know she is not going to be suitable for a 40 or 50 year old guy. What young lady would want to be seen dancing around at a night cub with a guy of that age? It would be plain embarrasing for both.
I've heard that much of girl's data is entered by the agency, and often girls are surprised by what is written in their profiles. Even birthdays aren't accurate, at least down to the day.
Paul McCartney ? Are you keeping up on the news ? Forget anything under 25 . IF your seriously looking for something that will last .
For a summer holiday , it's your business.
Not a problem Martin . I have to admit , that for ME ... Just my opinion for ME ... 13 years , maybe 15 years is enough of an age difference . My I guess for me it is a question of my present age and the level of maturity I am expecting . And yes , you can find someone younger than those numbers that is mature , and yes age has no bearing .
But for me I can say I am truely comfortable with a 10 year age difference . Not too far apart to still relate to music , movies , the same stuff .
But I also have no problem look AHEAD of my age . The main reason I don't , is adult children . They are very protective of their parents , and rightfully so !! BUT ... with such a strong sense of family in these countries , few adult children (very much daughters) don't want their mothers so far away (I'm Canadian) !! So , I can imagine it would be a serious task to win them over . And already you are meeting someone and trying your best to get to know them . I think it would be MUCH added pressure .
Thamks Willbee,
There is an 18 ish year difference between my wife and I but such is the bond between us that it doesn't concern either of us and there was a time that she had forgotten my age and thought that I was 2 years older than I actually am.
I've told her to her face that I wouldn't care if she were 10 years older because she would still maintain her special qualities, personality and sense of humour.
i am sure there are many samples of 19 to 23 year old ladies from Ukraine that have married men over 40 years of age. Maybe some one out there will show us the evidence..........
I am 46. My girlfriend is 19! We are not married and not in a hurry to do so but it is a serious relationship and we have been seeing each other for 2 years.
If you think that any guy around here is going to be foolish enough to provide a link, for others to copy & paste or whatever, then you do need to take a serious reality check :)
Other than hormonal differences I am coming to conclusion that age in women is illogical and makes no sense at all. In fact the more I get to know women the less I actually know about them. I'm 37 and am dating a girl 5 months older than me. She looks 25 and behaves 17 and has had youger men. Two months ago I was dating a girl just turned 18 who looked 23 and behaved like 27 and had older men in their 30's!
Could anyone help in explaining this dilemna because ideally I want to date a 25 year old who behaves like 25 (if they exist)?
It really should be the 'common sense' approach. At 37 you could write to ladies aged 37 and find a sincere and serious one tomorrow, you could write to 18 y/o's and perhaps it may take you 5 years, if ever, to find a sincere and serious one, 37 to 25, that's not so bad but don't expect to find the sincere and serious one(s) straight away.
MartinUK, I am not writing to any girl. I work with my present girlfriend and as such she is more of an office romance (which might eventually get us into trouble). She is part Hungarian/Ukranian/Romanian just like the previous girlfriend who was 18 (who could beat anyone in alcohol consulption) and both from the same area of Romania (although living in different cities). Neither have kids and they are both sincere but with very different characters and different views about sex (my ex was better).
I want to meet and date a 25 year old because:
A woman who is 25 and has just graduated has ambitions,has had some life experience in relationships and is starting her first job after her studies. I understand that this is different in FSU than in western culture as I lived in both, but the principle is the same.
And at 37 a woman has already programmed her life (like all of us to a certain extent at that age) and at 18 a woman doesn't have a clue about what she wants - and that bothers me (whether she be from FSU, Asia, EU, US or other).
That is why I want something in the middle (around 24-28). I am considering writing again to women from FSU because of my business plan. I messed it up my chances with a 25 year old girl who is on this site.
I am tired of getting involved with women who behave so much older or younger than their age as the same happened in Jamaica last autumn. Could anyone explain how I could change this? Is a younger one not better as she has possibilities for change and adaptation? I say this because I might see my ex next weekend during my usual week monthly trip round Romania.
Jamaica well there is a slight difference in culture.Getting involved with a girl from Jamaica will usually involve being asked to carry a "package" back home to your country for her.