Hi there. Just joined fiance.com for a perusal. Just curious about the level of english of the good ladies on the site, I can't honestly see how you can develop a relationship with someone you cannot talk too! In most places, I can get by with english alone, be it asia or europe, but I am not so sure the same applies for the former ussr and ukraine. You guys had any encounters, and was the manguage barrier a bar on proceeding further? Thanks
Some have very good English, others barely speak a word. The rating out of ten for how good their English is, is subjective, but I have found the ratings generally to be quite fair. Obviously there's always an exception.
If you're serious about meeting someone, you could always make the effort to learn Russian.
I have recently started learning. It's not a fast process, but it's not exactly fair to expect them to make all the effort while we do nothing. Being a native English speaker makes it easy to get around the world, but it also makes us lazy if we're not careful.
I don't know how it was measured, but I remember reading that English was the hardest alphabetic language for a non-native speaker to learn. If that's correct, then we shouldn't complain at learning Russian.