Guys, the ladies (who speak english) can have access to the message boards here and probably find it more entertaining then watching their television shows. Get a balance going again in your lives and start (re?)developing the qualities that ladies are looking for. This is not or interaction you are dealing with. Just imagine the opinions the girls are getting that do visit and read here, then they pass it on to their other girlfriends....
Take a little time and look back at some of your postings... I had a friend's wife look at some here ( she is early 30's from Kharkov Ukraine and has been in USA for 3 years and is flying as a contract flight attendant for Delta on our flights from ATL to Kiev and Moscow)... she just smiled and shook her head and made some comment "these are men?? they act like little school boys with their silly sarcastic words back and forth to one another....."
My point is use this board constructively, it is a reference tool.... quit looking like male wussies to the very women you are trying to establish bonds with.... You are getting wrapped to tight around the axle and taking stuff way too personal with some of the words from the other guys, as if it really is going to matter anyway... Save your writing energy for more important pursuits....
Post the good stuff that will help for all to know and leave the other stuff in your trash cans...
Ok had my 2 pennies worth just dont want you guys stepping all over yourselves with spikes and looking bad and having the girls snicker wondering what type of men are these...
true there is a lot of bickering, but, if the genuine ones do read these posts at least they should get an understanding of the concerns of a western man writing to (a picture) on a computer, if it helps them to understand the minefield in our way, then it's not such a bad for the arguing, i agree it lets the side down a bit...
It's possible that marriage agency admin read the forum, but I doubt that girls do any involved reading in expensive internet cafes. After all, for them, it's a job, not a horny adventure, as it is with us men.
I have been a member for several months and just come back from a successful, first visit, to Russia. Alot of the information posted on the forum has been very informative and interesting and so I thank alot of those who have genuine advice based on alot of experience. Like any other forum there are prima donnas, comedians and very serious individuals, so the key is to get what you want from the forum and get out to Russia. See the people, the culture and appreciate that it is easy for us to get on an aeroplane and go to places some westerners will never ever go. The world is your oyster you just have to know what to look for.
I agree with the thread starter and would only add that there are the posters that only visit once in a while, have nothing constructive to offer the forum or offer to others, but just want to try to entice unrest amongst the rest.
Best to just ignore them, they'll soon get bored and go elsewhere.
ladies reading these posts in english - they must have done a round up i mean hell only 1 bus load in russia can read / speak english - i dunno about girls reading on hear and how many have a computor --i reackon you'd be battling to get 30 birds in russia capable of having pc - then reading english - then actually bothering to go seek this site ---------boy oh boy no guys i think its an empty room at the other end lol lol .
I would not want to be banking on em being able to do ALL THAT AND IN UNISON ! be bit like trying to make an COMPUTOR NURD OUT OF A BEDOIN TRIBESMAN ! be real hard !
My girl has new comp but hell she struggles with email -the rest is just to hard for her she is 6th story up in apartment - she's go a temper i have visions of computor sailing off the balcony - she loses her block with it regular like .
Bsterd of a thing she calls says to me its boring ! lol lol i cracked right up - the bloody thing turned itself off one night she called it ignorant grey box for 3 days would not go near it .
And you reackon they going to read these sites ??? ---i wish you luck i could not see it happening as a rule .
I also agree with Nolimits. There are many juveniles here but you got to weed through the chaff to get to the gold.
I have learned a lot reading the posts here. Usually if I read something here useful I google it and find out more information. That has lead me to other sites dealing with fiance visas, travel tips, etc. So thanks for everyone that has had important news to share.
i tell it how i see it nadya ------its all one can do yes ! i know plenty about russia sometimes i think maybe to much --i must get 10 mails a week on home comp people asking me about it . once lived there a long while once you see / not real lot to know its all very black & white ---actually apart from langauge i find its the easiest country in the world to work out .
ignore the scammers / crooks and the downsides and you end with a nice place - correct !
ive no worries with it .
only confusing to ones whom dont know .
i survived there nearly 3 years of last 7 years i must have done something correct yes !
You seek your own level guys, normally, what you are... is... what you get back or end up with. If you want to change it, then educate yourselves as those who have been successful here have done...
Some are just looking for fun and thats easy to find, its a no brainer despite one's negatives if you got money to toss...others are serious, problem lies in that both kinds overlap, using the same sources. So its a crapshoot for the girls to know who's who or really care anymore. Every agency learns their "clients" male or female and if they are a legit agency take the time and ask them who's serious about marriage and who is a dater....
Guys when you go there with 15 names from email sent and recieved and ask the agency to get in touch with them, they will do exactly as you ask, its not their fault for doing what you asked... Next time ask them what their opinion is first.... its fun to have eye candy on your arm there but are you able to keep up with your "eye candy" back on your own turf ? Some can and some cant... look at yourselves and know which you are.... If you are having to save hard to make your 1 big trip to go there... go to outlying towns or the "high" you expect to experience will be short lived.
Its even amazing to constantly hear the sad but expected stories the ladies in my airline's Kiev ticket office relay when guys come in and blab blab their heart out like a real loser... Guys suck it up be a man geeez the woman you are looking for doesnt want a weak weiner....
Part of the solution or part of the problem take your pick....
Good luck and educate yourself beyond reading tour agencies BS and the Forum... Dont be so f--king naive and surprised about the realities of life over there...