I've been writing to a small number of ladies for a few months now and one of them recently asked me to make a gift to them of some perfume. She doesn't want an item from the Fiance.com catalogue of gifts but wants me to send her some money so she can buy it herself. She actually wants to me to send the money to her perfume supplier. (Alarm bells go off here.)
Also when I agreed to do this I sent an email to her on Sunday night round about midnight Western Australian time so that makes it 8pm Ukranian time. Within ten minutes there was a response from her confirming full details. (more alarm bells go off)
The thing is how did that message get to her and back so quickly on a Sunday evening. Do Fiance.com have people working at 8pm on Sunday nights sending messages out to the ladies that are listed on their website? What goes on here?
Thanks for your help and advice.
blink, fiance.com works 24X7. and letters go betwenn members without any helpfrom anybody. it i automaic. report this girl ID number to service@fiance.com we will investigate. it sounds very uspicious. did you get her mailing address? phone number?
Mate just go over and meet her and buy her some nice perfume in the duty free on the way! How many time zones are their in Ukraine. By my calcs it 5 hrs difference usually and 6 hrs during winter.
Martin, She said the perfume would cost US$130 which equates to around A$170 plus transfer charges comes to approx $A200.
Yes just as I thought. Crikey.
GemininDreams, I think there's only one time zone in the Ukraine. Even if its 6 hours diff its still Sunday evening - would Fiance.com have staff alerting ladies by telephone of incoming messages at that time? As far as I know she doesn't have email. Its almost as if someone at Fiance.com replied for her. Things just don't add up at the moment. Up until now she has seemed quite genuine.
Blink, repeatng for you - letters go between you two directly. if she replied immidiately it means she was at a computer that time. only email notification are send, also SMS messages can be sendt too to inform aboyt inocming email. but it sounds like a scam. even if she is real she needs money, not your gift. Have you emailed ID of that lady to service@fiance.com? Follow simple rules:
Never send money to somebody you have never met.
Ask her personal address and telphone number. talk to her on the phone. ask her to go to the internet cafe and do video/voice chat session. but still I would not send money to her. Send her a gift using any gift service, and request photo taking at the delivery.
A reasonable perfume, a western label, in Ukraine would cost USD50 to USD75. This sounds like a scam and the one saying is to 'never send money to somebody you have never met'.
If she is genuine then she is a high maintenance version, if it starts off as USD130 for perfume it will very soon, if you allow it to, escalate out of all control.
Any self respecting lady would never ask of money from a guy she has never met so, I would say, she is a scammer.
Ask her for the make of perfume, tell her that you can buy it online and courier it to her (you can't really because Ukraininan customs will stop it and want an import tax on it but she doesn't know that) and then just wait for her to kick and scream. I'd like to bet that she doesn't want the perfume, she only wants the money.
Thanks for the advice and info Olga and Martin.
It is difficult living in another country (a country far, far away) trying to work out what exactly is going on at the other end. Throw in all the other considerations of culture and gender differences (women are definitely from Venus:)) and it is both a steep learning curve and a bit of a minefield at times.
Just rember two golden rules, never to send money to somebody you have not yet met and to think with your brain and not with your penis, these rules, if you adhere to them, should see you through.
One thing you should know if you havent been to Ukraine. Nothing much happens before 10am in morning. Many shops dont close until 9 - 10 pm and many people are active up to 1 or 2 in morning. So its not unreasonable to have girls checking emails in late evening. If you check out the local sites many are on line between 9pm and 1 am.
I agree though dont send any money. Perfume is quite cheap in the local shops. Not much more expensive than duty free so $130 is just a scam. Move on.
I reside in East Ukraine, in my city a good quality bottle of perfume costs about $35, I just purchased a small bottle called XOXOXO, a real popular brande here at the moment, the cost was $24, but a small 50ml heart shaped container, a real nice gift thou,
go and visit this girl, perfume is a good gift to give on say the 3rd or 4th date, I really wouldnt give a gift to this girl over $50 until you know the relationship is solid. if the girl is fond of you, she will be fond of you with or without expensive gifts.
Bottle of perfume expensive gift?!!!!! I just dont belive what I am reading! I know and wrote about brits being stingy! (Good excaple that guy who married in Prague!)But this is really odd! Soon somebody says that stockings are fantastic gift-like II WW!!!
This East Ukraine must be really poor:):):):):):)
USD130 for a bottle of poxy perfume is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination, it is my wife's birthday next month, I have bought her 2 'quality' cosmetic items, something that I know she will like, cost for both GBP19.00. I plan to buy her her favourite collection of lip glosses on the aeroplane I recall the cost of which being 22 Euros and a piece of gold jewellery that she wants which I expect to cost circa GBP80.00.
That 4 gifts, for my beloved, and at a total cost of USD215.00. Blinky's scammer wants 1 gift @ USD130.00 so at her prices 4 gifts would cost USD520.00 and he ain't even met her yet!
It is not being suggested that one should not spend USD130.00 on a girlfriend or a partner, it is being suggested however that Blinky's lady is a fraud and his money would be better spent on anything except her.
I ment bottle of perfume isnt expensive gift!
And of course for birthday one bottle of perfume isnt enough there must be other items! Your gift seems really nice! Lip glosses arent so luxurious gift, but always nice to find them with other stuff!
This perfume operation is VERY strange, why must somebody bother to meet such people who are stupid scammers???????????
USD130.00 isn't necessarily an expensive gift but it depends what it is spent on. USD130.00 a a quality piece of jewellery is money well spent, USD130.00 on a bottle of perfume, NO!
But, never send any money to somebody one has never met remains a golden rule and is never more pertinent than in this situation.
P.S. The lip glosses are merely an added extra, I bought these lip glosses purely by fluke on our second time together, I'm a bloke, I know nothing about cosmetics nor, at that time, her personal tastes but I learnt that she does not use cosmetics that contain animal products, these lip glosses were, are, 'Clinique' thus they were, are, perfect and I know that she likes to receive them, I have bought them for her a couple of times since.
In the end I said wasn't going to send the money for the perfume and the lady in question seems to have accepted that.
I think she just had very expensive tastes. I agree with Martin that USD130.00 does seem a lot for a bottle of perfume.
130.oo for perfume isnt expensive taste-its stupidiy or scamming! So do you want somebody who dont know value of money or who will scam money for stupid excuses-this is your girl!I dont belive that east-ukrainians are that posh!
http://www.forbes.com/lifestyle/2006/02/03/most-expensive-perfumes-cx_ sb_0203fashion3_ls.html
You can add 100 dollars and got the most expensive perfume in the world to your "princess"