I won't go into details because to many others have nothing good to say and I don't feel like getting ripped to pieces. But in answer to your question YES, mutual love can and does exist. It's not easy but its there. It's taken me 2 years but my mutual love will be here in Nov. and we will be married in Dec. If your level headed and honest with yourself I'm sure you can find it too. I wish you and everyone else all the best.
If mutual love didn't exist between people, they wouldn't be on this board, seeking.
Define equal. I doubt if any two people are equal. Do you mean in power terms? Money? Arm wrestling?
'(but not identical)'. Is anyone identical?
My twin brother (equal) is pig ugly while I am devastatingly handsome (non-identical) but I'll still kiss his sweaty forehead and he mine. (mutual love). ;-)))
Agree with you entirely genuine_agent!
But in my limited experience, unconditional love (a term beloved by new age fans like myself) does not fit in the make up of people from the FSU.
So has anyone found true abiding long lasting love with someone they consider best friend, their equal match, and spiritual soul mate on this site?
Hello Beanstobe,
Your last post seems to bring more light to your previous question, The key word was unconditional love, I beleive your point was to ask the question - "will there be unconditional love between a man and a Russian woman" ? hope i am correct ?
well I dont know what the correct answer is, but i will tell you my thoughts, I dont think Russian woman like the word "Unconditional Love" not because their love is conditional, but they beleive that everything practical is conditional and love is one that is practical and real love is conditional (hold on there - dont start argueing with me on that :) ) well you can break your head and nuts and even your heart asking your woman if her love is unconditionally if its forever and would only get an answer which would be something like " nothing in life is forever, everything has its limits and conditions, but I love you today and thats all I know" this is just my thoughts and interpretation of what a Russian woman would say to your question.
I dont think this means that she is not sure about her feelings for you, from what i know Russian woman tend to be very stubborn about being to the point , in your face - PRACTICAL ... sometimes it will make a man wonder, and at times even think that this is crazy.
I guess we men like this from a woman when she says "yes baby I love you forever" personally I dont see that comming from a Russian woman , atleast not on a regular basis, I think Russian woman use that only for extremely special occasions and at a very careful level. Like I said I feel that they are to the point "Practical" ...I could be wrong .. But just my thoughts and opinion on the subject...
I think most FSU women are probably not very fond of the term "Unconditional love" :) when they hear this word i think their head starts to blow up into a ballon and their heart shirnks into a peanut and they are offended somehow - thinking that you doubt their feelings for you, and instead of reassuring you, they are probably going to give an you answer thats in your face, But I think they have a very different meaning in their heads for the words Unconditional Love... whats in their head is not what you hear and what you hear is not whats in their head :)
I am not very sure what these women interpret of these words on a very deep level, its hard to guess... Me Mate, I am a Man so i think I pretty much the same lumbering way that you do about these words...:)
Women are hard to understand, and Russian women are pretty high on this Hierarchy, when you figure them out, let me know..I will be your student :)
- Sashi
Sorry talk of starry eyed love cracks me up. It is possible for people to be in love but have a diabolical relationship and for people not in love to have a wonderful relationship. Relationships change over time. The quality of that love changes over time. A long term relationship requires compatability and friendship more than love. Meaningless clutter is an apt description.