what I mean is, are FSU cities which are hard to get to eg Vladivostok or perhaps "less visited by foreigners" easier to find a woman who will fall down at your knees and say "please take me away with you." Is there some poll of cities out there? I seem to get on another site a lot of ladies from Yoshka-Ola for some reason lately.
"Yoshkar-Ola is renowned for the fact that women outnumber men by an incredibly high factor, in fact so high I'd rather not mention it here. This leads to a high incidence of male rapings there, the statistics show there's an abundance of lesbians to be found, and of course there's entire legions doing everything in their power to get out, get to their men so to say. When the latter group attempts this then there's hardly any preference or standards they're looking for, they just want a man, and literally throwing themselves at the feet of strangers has been witnessed." (Source: Neuter)
Well, this sound like Paradise to me BF, so on yer bike and off you go then! And don't believe all those stories about Y-O being a scammer concentrate, I mean, why should they all focus on you eh? Trust yourself you hunk, go get them!
Woman usually are looking for foriner husband because they want a better life for them and their kids. That means not only money but also warm, stability in life, person who realy likes you.
Foriner hasband is usuualy a back up plan for a waman. She chose from being alone, try to find a rassian husband or the least preferable - foriner. Because the average income in Moscow is 10 - 20 timers higher then in Russia, being along for woman in Mosscow is one of the best choice.
She will not have pemission for job for at least 6 months in the USA. To lose her good job and jump from well paid person into dependent status - it is hard for amyone.