Looks intriguing and I might look into it further myself.
But you might not want to go during the summer. The silver and gold packages iclude airconditioning in the rooms but ONLY if you are willing to pay $55 and $35 (respecitvely) dollars extra PER NIGHT EXTRA for the use of the airconditioner.
One of the main reasons not to use Confidential connections is they do not allow access to the ladies home address and also their tour packages for the so called North cities and South cities package is very expensive .
Is it possible to book your own reservations? Their(CC) prices are ridiculous on EVERYTHING!!! Much less the $$$$ you spend just communicating by email, unh hunh! I dumped these jokers after a few months. Not because of long time correspondence but because most of the time I was not writing to the lady but to the interpreter. Lesson learned. Plus I slipped in a couple questions to the lady concerning some issues pertaining to gifts, etc. That did not go over well. I never asked for a phone number, address because I knew that was a dead issue. Ain't gonna happen. The agency OWNS these girls, bottom line guys. I do not blame these girls for the agencies antics. It's just a job for them. The marriage part, I have been reading that about 1% of these lovelies gets married to a western guy, 1%. Would you invest in something that only had a 1% chance of profit return? Think about it. If you want to have some fun with this, do it. I do it for an hour of entertainment everyday. Just don't get nasty with girls, don't send them your photos and don't give them a lot of personal info. Bad news for you!! CU