Hi Folks. I am new to this site. Has anbody ever gone through this site GlobalLadies.com??
I have never heard of a site that charges you to open and send email.. Any comments are appreciated. Thx..
They just want to suck your money, try awhile and you will be disappoint. Warning:: never fall in with GL52048922, name Yuliya, she just try to get your money.
Like anything there are good and bad, I have met a wonderful woman name Irina and have met her family, you just have to be wise. Actually Russian Ladies.com for the most part is good company they have been around since 1992, if they were that bad they would be out of business. Ifact I did run into a scammer and Global Ladies refunded all my tokens and this is when I found my baby. Don't give up, it's worth the hastle to find a women who still act like women. I have waited to long in the US and I am not interested in women who are so independent and act like guys. Good luck don't give up, try Russian Ladies if you want unlimited letters for the month, although you have to ask a lot questions and when anyone asks for money run for the hills
One thing I like seeing these days, are the many new faces posting in the forum. I'm not writing much here anymore, though when I see someplace I can help I will, but it's good to see the new blood coming in and sharing their experiences.
I have been somewhat pleased with Global Ladies. There are tow you know. The one in Kleiv has a office in the US but the other office ins in the Ukraine. I have spoken to the owners. They have been very upfron t about cost for the agency. The first thing is that they allow you to send email showing interest no charge.
If you want to respond to a girl you have to pay 59.99 which to me seems fair, but the problem, I have is that they chare 299.99 for receving highly glossed professional photos. Ther is no cost to the women in the Ukraine. If you want an address or contact informaiton you have to pay an additional 599.99 which again seems hight. Telephone calls are an additional 59.00. The way I have it figured by the end of the membership of 1 month of 59.99 one phone call at this cost and 299.00 for pictures you probably have spend almost
800.00 dollars which does not inculd the toy you send the girl for receiving photos.
To get a girl from the Ukraine to come and marry you I estimate an additioal 5,000.00 for a fiancee visa and airline ticket so I estimate you have spent about 6,000.00. to find a bride, If you have divided the number of years you have been single and lets say that is perhaps 10 that might end up being about the cost to go to dinner for a good year. but if you spend that much for an American wife and she ends up cleaning out your bank account. can't cook, leaves you homeless and takes all the furniture and insist you pay child support its a bargin. LOL No to mention you social security and retirement benefits.
I have found Global Ladies a good agency to deal with. The ladies I have met from this agency have been real ladies looking for love. In no way are we talking about mail order brides as it may have been in the past. With e-mail you communicate almost on a daily basis, depending your and her schedule. I see now (in the last month) Global Ladies is posting short videos, which gives you an even better view of her and her personality. These days Global Ladies is like any other web based match agency. I have tried e-harmony and communicated with ladies in other countries just the same. It is just a differnt system.
Right now I am in Odessa. I flew in last night and was set up at a comfortable apartment thourgh odessaapartments.com. This apartment has high speed internet so this post is real time input into this forum. The lady I have been writing to for the last year (almost to the date) arrived a few hours ago and we met for the first time. Wow is all I can say. From her letters I know she has a beautiful heart but her pictures do not do her justice. Right now she is freshing up after her trip here and I can not wait for the "date" to begin.
Really, when you come down to it, it really is a date. Yes, it is an expensive date but then I look at also as a vacation. I also no more about her then your average date after all a year of writing gives you a good idea into a womans heart, as long as she is being honest. This of course one must has to trust until proven otherwise. I don't know what the future will hold for the two of us but let me say Odessa is a lovely city and as far as romantic dates go this will be at the top of the list. If there is a future for us this a wonderful place to begin. If there is not, then it will be a fabulous memory. The bottom line is one has to get out there to meet the woman of his dreams and why not search the world for her? As kdctrs shows above there is no guerentee in life with any woman and all you can do if follow your intuition, your heart and spread a few dollars along the way hoping all the cards will fall in place.
I joined Global Ladies and bought fifty tokens a couple of weeks ago. I have so far communicated with three ladies that interest me. Is it really going to cost me $600 for contact information?! I think that it outrageous! Why couldn't I just get a telephone number and get contact information from the girl directly? I speak Russian and I would prefer just to do it that way. Is there some way that Global Ladies keeps you from getting contact information over the telephone? Do you have to have an interpreter on the line when you call her?
I met a girl from the Ukraine on Global ladies. after a few letters she directed me to another agency called, VIPAGE,(closer to where she lives, fair enough) I have talked to her on the webcam so I know she is the one in the pictures.
I was exchanging emails with the lady who said she owned the agency and told her that if she ran a legimate agency she would do well, ( I have many single friends who are fed up with Cdn women)she agreed and said she had turned down other companies data bases that would increase her inventory of ladies, because she could not know all of them personally..I thought that was great, BUT, when I mentioned my past expereince of writng to a girl in her country who claimed that I was the only one she was communicating with.. I had a freind of mine write her too and she was sending him the exact same letters as me. Well, the owner lady has not answered my emails or questions since...so, I guess I am going anyway and hoping for the best. Can someone tell me, the apartments are listed around $2,000.00 per week +-, this in Ukraine coin???right...ANYTHING I SHOULD BE AWARE OF WOULD BE APPRECIATED..My friends think the mafia is going to hold me for ransom, if so some surprise they will get..
What site did you book apts with? It would have to be in hryvnia's. Around 5 to 1 exchange rate. I hope your apt was not booked by agency...they tend to inflate prices. Google Kharkov for listings of apts, that is where you are going...I know Global Ladies is located there.
I went to Russia/Ukraine twice with European Connections--now Global Ladies--several years ago, when they were still doing tours, and met Art Steckel and his nephew Byron. Art was then arrogant as hell and not only that but cruising the women, but I never thought the site was anything but straight. They have long since made their pile, they don't need to play petty thief. What I have noticed is in the six years since I looked at their catalog,(the socials in Kiev/Moscow/etc. were brutal--never again) is that the quality of their women has gone through the floor. Also I'm fed up with pay-per-letter. I'm trying Rbrides, and yes they're infested with scammers but what the hell--most of them are so obvious that they're just so many mosquitoes. The whole venture is fraught with danger, no matter what agency you deal with. Russian society is in general predatory to the bone. Beware if you're a bimbo, you're going to loose some of your hard-earned cash.
Agree with everyone here. Global ladies is a bad site, not to be trusted. A few years ago I dealt with them, paid for a couple of letters at $7 usd each but that was enough to work it it was a sham, bull shit and dishonest agency!
They have a number of affilaited web sites, one is called E700, I beleive and another one maybe Euroladies.
Pay for letter sites are not a wise thing to get involved with..they gain most of there revenue by getting guys to pay for fake, canned e-mails from R.Ws etc...either the girls are not real or they are real and agency writes letters on there behalf, without there knowledge of course to rip money of unsuspecting guys...in Australia we call that "leading someone down the garden path to no where!"
Another agency that operates within a similar vein is Confidential Connections ( nowcalled UA ladies I believe ) which info is about in another thread on this forum.
Are you guys talking about Globaladies or Global Ladies??????????????? They are two differnt sites.
I was under the impression Global Ladies was in Kharkov only. All girls on that site are in Kharkov.
I am wondering if apples and oranges are being talked about.
That would be Globaladies.com, the site that has been in existence since 1995 and one of the so called pioneering sites for FSUW mail order brides.
They have girls from all over Ukraine, some with free video clips if you sign up with them first of course, if you are foolish to do that because thats when you get all there spam e-mail with canned letters from ladies which you must pay to reply to..of course its a load of bull!
We are taking about apples at www.globaladies.com, a sham web site run by crooks whose sole purpose is to rip us off, money, thats what I believe and thats the site I had a very short involvement with way back in 04.