Has anyone experianced this this woman want to meet in Prague. she says she is going there for the holidays and want to meet. It is easier for me to get a visa there then Russia. Please give me feedback! Later she wants to meet in Russia.
I thought it was the other way round. according to martin's delta know-it-all website, ukrainians need a visa for prague but not russia. but a woman told me exactly the same thing as fabio, that she can go easily to the check republic so I dont get it.
maybe you should czech it out
She is a nice girl. Has not asked for a dime. She is even calling me. Chick Rep Cheque Rep are very funny. I have checked several time I don't need a visa. If it boms I'm off to Paris Rome UK Berlin who knows. Jump on the train
Has anyone checked the czech lady at the check in desk at the czech airport? i think she should be told that she can not pay for her flight with a cheque because the czech authorities do not accept cheques.
Stop laughing, Fabio wants to meet her in the Check Republic instead of Rusher, she is from Rusher.
Don't you know Check Republic, it is near to Ostria and Dootchland, people from Amerika do not need a visa to go there.
dont you mean "has anyone czecked the cheque lady at the chicken desk at the tyek airport?"
Fabio you have an amazing talent to make people guess what you mean with your english sentences. I have read what you said 100 times and I still am guessing. But I heard that there are travel excursions from the Ucrane to check for about 170$.
also my lady told me over the phone :)) that she needs a visa for russia, (well everywhere actually), but on Martin's fab delta site it says ucranes dont need one, so go figue that one out. or in Fabio sentence, martin says delta is good for visa to russia even for ucranes but they cant go without the visa anyway. Jump on the bicycle is the only way.
To bring you guys up to speed, the Check Republic is part of the former Checkoslovakia and from here comes the chess saying 'Check Mate', if one finds a friend there then he/she is your 'Check Mate', as in a friend for life.
Check is actually the American spelling of 'Cheque', don't you guys know anything, of course he's talking about the Cheque Republic as opposed to Chequenya, and I have it on very good authority, having been there myself, that they do accept checks in the Check Republic, they invented them after all :)
yes David theres only chicks in the chick republic, but you can get a visa if you are a man, a wealthy american man for 30 days. No sex allowed though otherwise you will be fined by the chick police and get 100 lashes. You also have to date at least 10 chix and spend 1000 chick crowns per date at least. Only scheduled chick flights are allowed and must be direct costing at least $1000. (nb. No ryanair flights for 1p+tax to Altenburg Leipzig followed by train allowed)
Government site states: "Beware of scammers if going to the chick republic as many chix are looking to make extra chick crowns taking an "alien" (man) out to dinner with an interpretor and charging double for apartment rent. If going in summer, please be prepared to have to rush home quickly for there are only chix in the street and all wear microskirts and boobtubes. If getting stopped by the chick police to check visa, please do not complain if you are groped between the legs to make sure you really are an alien.
Martin has it exactly right. Not to be an ass kisser but I find what he says to be true backed up by facts. I have researched it. I am sorry if I was a little vauge. I hope to meet her On january 1st in Prague. I'm not bringing my check book.
Russians visiting Prague is not so very strange even though the Check Republic is part of the EU now. Visa's can be required for Russians, etc. unless they have relatives or sponsors (people who will stand gaurantee for them) living in the Check Republic.
The Check Republic is part of the European Union so free (no visa's) to travel too if your country is under the Schengen agreement (Australia, USA, most of Europe, etc, etc.).
One major downpoint of the country being in the EU is the rise of all the prices, just after the fall of the sovjet union one could go to Prague having a dime and a stamp in the wallet and be a rich women/men, now the prices are almost comparable with the rest of Europe.
When in Prague try to do most of the sightseeing on your own, don't take bustours since most of downtown (the old part, that is on the Unesco list) is not open to trucks and busses.
Try to get a hotel near the centre of the town to be able to walk most of it, you'll see more and the cash saved on the cab/bus will be needed for the hotel anyway.
Things you have to see if you are in Prague are:
The Astronomical Clock, only one in the world ...
The Charles Bridge (Karlùv most) and its gate house on the city site, btw a great panncake restaurant on the waterfront there. And for the evening hours a 5 story disco of which the 5th and top level is a lounge area.
Prague Castle (the largest castle in the world) with St. Vitus Cathedral, they started with this castle around 880 and it has grown to a town of its own. Also the changing of the guard here is in my oppinion (no flamebait Martin) better then in London.
And if you want to treat your "special" lady on something great a roundtrip on the Vltava (Moldau) by dinnerboat in the evening time.
Or check what is running in the Prague Opera and go there, be warned though prices might be high.
BTW refrain of familiarizing yourself with the local women if you are there with your Russian lady and I know that can be hard :)