I been really in love with her, but I found she just biggest lier I ever met. She wrote same nice letter to a lot of guys and tried to make me believe she really in love with me. Good luck my friend wrote her too and we find out all she want is money, guys, don't be fool by her sparkling smile................
Tom my unknown friend, you most assuredly are from my viewpoint, a (here goes) nice American single man, that has suffered and frustrated thoughout his entire life over the female i believe was created for us as our partner companion so as not to be found lonely and desolate, basicaly, with all the spare time we should have at our disposal if we are living correctly. Thomas, if we step over the debate of evo. vs. creat., we can go directly to the beginners textbook and we will find Adam the first man like us, ooogling over a pleasing to the eye earthly buddy with openings and jiggly thangs in all the right and most convienient of places with the one big drawback their best friends usually turnout to be snakes and they can hold a more engaging conversation with the snakes than with you or I anyway. This saves us a lot of wasted tie thinking we are reaching them or their concience. Tom they don't have one (except when it serves their purpose usually when they are trying to extract or take away from what we have rigorously laboured to gain own or control) Tom do not take me wrong please I love women and have a girlfriend going on 6+ years who was a clothing dropping full of shit dancer for prancer and LOOT, she loves to have sexual relations all the time, I usually back out and for some dumb reason I been planning on giving these Ukrainian girls a interview and chance they (some) look hot as hizzell and seem educated (many might be could be hookers or were no matter what anyone says) many might be pure as the driven snow but I like them, I have had a thousand write to me from globalladies if one only has and they range from 18 y.o. to 40 I am sure if I could get them all here that I wrote back to I could get them top modeling jobs locally where I have withdrawn to or in LA (maybe the valley) NY`
or my old money eastern hidout (wish the old money crowd was more receptive but I'm pushing 50 what do I have to do, live to 150 for acceptance more I know) Tom I have never had trouble getting women to love me fall in love with me whatever, but it's the same basic thing in different wrappers and I have had some very sweet hot looking wrappers (not young urban black brothers making major endz from stupid uhhn uhhn yeah yeah yeah buuuusheeeit) poe
ole easy E would be rollin in his grave to hear some da weak rhymesezez they B tossin out nowadizzaize. Thomas you don't love this girl you want to pork her its not the same as love I don't care if you chewed up her letters ate them, then smoked them when they came out your less appealing end after which you built her an altar with incense groovie tunes and some fossilized poets craigie words that don't sound right or fit your mouth and persona yet you feel driven to force feed the broad what you think she believes you are like come on Tom. They either like you or they don't. They are animalistic too if a ho don't wanna ho witch U she don't after that the only way to get her is money and how much you feel like kissing adios, and baby if your a super fine female right now reading my horrible take on our states
I guarantee you you have a price....you each and every one of you if need be secretly ALL HAVE a price...the love thing is a facade Thomas, it might happen and does, has to me maybe 3 4 times in my life and I mean hurting my heart felt, cut nibbled and chewed from its spot within my ribcage sans anasthetic removed when Tamara, Kathy, Shari, Pandora, Brenda went penis shopping on me after all the cuddlin I had to suffer through...no kidding..listen Tom
Tommy Boy, go with me to the Ukraine I'll get the hotties you see to become the hotties with Thee...you need laid dude go buy a hooker if thats the only way you can get luvin if you are beat looking or something or get un beat looking, and un beat acting all you younger fools out there want to learn how to get the fine ass ho's or ho's you never thought would touch you if the elevator jerked and they got knocked into you I'll help ya. you'll be waxin dat azz a your drizzzeams in 7 days or less unless she's in prison, life is short and can be fun and you can still have the grace of God that created you and i in your life and you better hold on to that thought more than any other you have heard today yesterday or tomorrow OK?
Good always be yours Tom ...David S. the single not single but not cheating guy
"Gentlemen" I believe we men have crawled so deep into our "male macho egos" that we are incapable of seeing how arrogant/weak,etc.we have become, when we deal with the bravest species on this planet, WOMAN, we act as if we are as pure as the driven snow, when we get so called, "suckered" by a woman. When we manage to screw a woman over, we stand "tall" in our pubs,around our BBQ's and brag like conquering heroe's, as to how we suckered the "stupid bitch". I know this letter will not sink in to the majority of "numbskulls" reading this, but to those of us with half a brain, Please stop the injustice and cruelty, to the gentler/braver one's we call "WOMAN".
From Peter John Mills. South Africa. Johannesburg.
PS. I look forward to your reply's gentlemen. Please be constructive.
The original poster is an idiot. He needs to get out more. He earned some money that day and gave it away the next.
If he was a wildebeast he'd have been eaten before he was mature enough to go and make more wildebeast. It's natural selection in work.
The rambling david guy is a self-publicist for his own meanderings and bored me enough to quit reading at the first sentence.
I've never heard a guy say that they suckered a "stupid bitch".
Where the hell do you get that upsidedown rationalising from?
PP has a point which I think is lost on many. Most (Not all) guys get scammed because they deserve to. They are conned because they are trying to con someone else. They try for something they are not realistically entitled to (The young hot lay when they themselves are fair fat and fifty) and have their butts handed to them in the process.