I have been using this site for a little bit now. Like any red blooded american I was looking for a young and beautiful woman to marry. I began corresponding with several young ladies. I have began narrowing my choices and it's down to a couple. There is one that has really got my attention, she's even older then me, go figure. Anyways what I want to know is when sending mail to the Ukraine should I address the envelope in English or Russian? Any advice on what to do to help ensure it gets to her would be appreciated.
I always address it in Russian, and English...I have sent 100's of postcards to Ukraine, and to Russia both small towns under 200,000 population and all arrived in about 10-15 days. I however, have been told all you need to do is put the English address when mailing to Russia/Ukraine. I have sent 2 packages to Ukraine, and one to Russia. Out of the three I sent one of them to Ukraine with just english address, it arrived in two months...this was in middle of winter...I'd write both...I usually put English on top...Russian on bottom hope this helps