Right, so about 3 months ago I started to exchange emails with a girl in Ukraine. We quickly switched to phone calls (thank God for Skype!!). After about 1 month I visited her in her town for 1 week. It was great. Met her 2 kids, friends. After I came back home we talked on the phone daily for like an hour minimum. Then, after another month, we met in Kiev. She arranged the flat, I paid for her flight + flat. We had a great week, spent it together 24h/day, day and night ;-)... I bought her kids each a present, insisted to buy her a new phone which she at first did not want. Since I'm back, we are on the phone again each day and sending several sms messages each day. Looks like things are going great, her parents and sister want to meet me... But 1 thing is not very clear to me: I'm going to visit her in her town again in a few weeks and I'm renting a flat and she will be living with me during my stay there. She will be sending her kids off to her parents so my question is really, why didn't she offer to stay at her appartment ? I don't mind renting one but it seems a bit odd to me. I've been in her appartment once. Is it because she is ashamed ? Or does she want that 'vacation' feeling in an other flat ? Don't really know what to think about it. Any insight ?
If someone I was dating traveled half way around the world...The last place I would put them is in a hotel!
Perhaps this is a total scam system. Girls getting kickbacks for renting apt. etc. Sad...
Are you sure She will be sending her kids off to her parents? May-be she live with her parents and therefore she doesn't have her own flat.
Just my opinion
Did I read it right...her parents and sister want to meet you? So you have not met them. She is 'staying'
with you, does this mean you will meet them on this trip? Did you arrange the apt? or your girl? My concern would be if you don't meet her family while there. Keep your eyes open and go on instint. Good luck
Have you proposed?
Do you really decide to marry her or just things goes great?
If have not committed, then try to protect your and her kids from emotional hurt.
I have a kid. I protect her a lot and that is why I never told her about my attempt to find a right man. She has to accept any of my decision and that is why she need not know anything.
Thanks for the answers. No, I did not propose because this takes time. You can't propose after having known eachother for 3 months. I've seen her kids, talked to them, she has her own appt., I arranged my the flat by myself. I don't see any red flags so far, I'm just wondering why she didn't offer to stay at her appt. I'm not meeting her through agencies and such. Yes, her parents told her that they want to meet me the next time I'm in town.
Well said Bagira,
I had exactly the same experience when I first went to visit my (now) wife.Especially when there are kids involved it pays not to confuse them too much.
you've already met this woman and had a great time with her......what do your instincts tell you?It's not uncommon for a lady to rent an apartment when they have a visitor.
For what it's worth this does sound like a genuine woman.
Good Luck,
Like you said, this takes time. Staying at her flat is more intimate--you are in her home. If you turn out to be a bad guy, she'll have bad memories of you in her home.
Also, if you stay in a rented flat and things don't work out for some reason, she can go to her place and you can take some time apart.
Sounds to me like you got the real deal there Thomas. I guess she doesn't want to appear to be a "whore" in the eyes of her probably VERY nosy neighbors.
I must admit that the moral impressions confuse me. I have been told that women dont like visiting hotels in case they are seen and you cant be invited back to the apartment! However my experience is sex isnt a big issue and the more the better! Is it that its only a problem is someone finds out?