I have found an agency called "Glory Club". Has anyone heard of them? Are they scammers or reliable.I have been writing to a girl,but it seems to good to be true.Any info?
I ve lived and worked in far east Ukraine for nearly three yrs. I know a translator who was once employed by this agency, she indicated that she was required to write letters to guys, on behalf of the girls who they (the guys) were writing to, she said the most difficult part of her job was coming up with things to write about, she eventually left this agency, I ve also heard that if a girl from the Glory site has a meeting with a guy, the girl will receive part of the traslation fee which was generated from the meeting. My feeling is this is an agency to avoid,
here is a list of agencies that I think are honest, and sincere that are located in Lugansk,..
I was going on holiday with this girl.Do you think she is seeing it as a free trip or as a serious start to a relationship? Are they that bad at scamming? Would a girl go on holiday with someone just for a freebie.I have met this girl a few times and all seems well,or am I blind?
The list of other agencies you mentioned did not appear in your reply.Could you write them again please.