I know this will be another question about a visa, but i really need some answers.
I met a girl from Siberie. Now i have invited here to come over to Holland.
It will take 3 to 6 months before she will have her visa from Holland.
Now have she got some information from russia.
She told that the travelagent has said. Travel via Germany and then go to Holland.
The travel agengy ask 250 - 300$ for a visa incl. official invitation so she can travel from germany to Holland.
Is it possible that she's wright?
Must she go to the German police with this visa?
I hope u have some answers for me. Thx in advance
No! I do not think this is right. Please give me some time to check on this. It may take me up to 24 hours to find out for sure. But in the meantime DONT SEND the money till I find out for sure. I will contact my sources for you.
After alittle checking, I found out that it may be correct. But I can not be sure because I got the info from a source that is no so sure. For example you get visa to one country (in Europe) and slip into another country without having papers checked. Like you can go to France and get a train to Italy with out getting papers checked and entering the country easly. This may be what they are trying to have her do. You may want a better detailed explination from her on how she will enter Holland from Germany and for how long? Just ask her how is she planning to enter Holland once she enters Germany? Its hard to get answers on weekends.
We allready agree that we will meet in moscow. I told her that it was better for us to meet on neutral ground, without family nearby. Also she might had a culture shock in Holland and i believed that she could'nt concentrade on our relationship.
She send over her name phone and copy of pasport. send her flowers to check and everything was ok. Perhaps this will work out fine.
Thank you for you quick response Code red
Here is the info I got from a travel agency in Moscow. One can easily get a tourist visa to Holland , but the problem is that she will have to visit the embassy in Moscow in person and file the application herself. Also no travel agenies will make visas without charging for the whole pacage, like air tickets, hotel and insurance.
When I asked them about the possibility of making a visa to germany and therm going tp Holland from there, was told that thats quite possible, people do it a lot. German and Holland use the same type of visa, so called Schengen visa. If she gets visa to germany, she enters germany and with no problem crosses border with Holland. At least that I was told in two Moscow travel agencies. Price of 200-300$ sounds reasonable too, because as I've told travel agencies dont usually make visas, they are interested in tours,so is somebody wants only visa, it will cost a lot more.
Just about all the countries in Europe, even Norway who aren't in the EU, have fairly recently signed the Schengen agreement. Basically, once you're in a Schengen land, you can move freely between them, even without a passport. One step closer to the united states of Europe.
Actually, it's still new to me and I confess I don't know which countries are in. Norway and Scandinavia are but I don't even know if England is. There are many though, if not most.
I am from Kazakstan. Now I'm studying in UK. We have Crhistmass holidays for three weeks. Within this weeks I want to visit my friend in Holland. Can u give me informatio please how to gat visa to Holland, cause Ive got now only my visa in UK for one year.
Like to confirm a couple of things.(1) Is it true then that a girl can get a visa for Germany from a travel agent for 2-300 DOLLARS without booking a tour? f this is the case can you tell me Olga, how long does this take and the name of the agent in Moscow and does the girl have to go in person to make the application? (2) Does the same apply in France? My girl has been told that is easier to apply for a French visa but not sure what easier means? Can you check? France or Germany is so much easier than Turkey or Cyprus so this is important information. One final thing, is Tenerife and Gran Canaria part of the Schengen treaty and do you happen to know the visa situation for Russian citizens on those islands? Thanks all.
Is you students visa single or multiple entry? If single- you won't be able to travel. If multiple- you should call to the Emb. of Netherlands and check with them what docs you need to go there and visit your friend. I can tell you what was needed last year.
1)Your passport valid at least for 6 more months with your students visa valid for at least 3 months after the supposed return date;
2)return ticket
3)filled in application form (you can get it from the Embassy)
4)either hotel booking form or written invitation from your friend
5)recent bank statment or travell checks (as a proof that you can support yourself financially while there
6) 2 passport pictures
7) if you're 25 or younger- visa is free of charge, if older- between 15-25 pounds
However, to get the application form-you need to call Netherland's Embassy visa department,there you can double check all the requirements.
It's true that you can get visas to Germany or France thru travel agent. It's gonna cost you though ($250-$300)maybe more and at least you have to have return tickets presented. It's more to it,but it all depends on travel agent and what services they provide,it varies.
Gran Canaria and Tenerife belong to Spain,Spain is one of the Shengen States,therefore citizens of any FSU countries need to apply to Spanish Embassy to get visa to any of those islands. I can more then confirm it.
i m dj-p from India,now i m studying CTL euro college in Cyprus in Travel n tourism diploma.In holidays i wanna visit Germany and to get knowledge n experience ,problem is that i've Indian passport,is it possible for a Cyprus international student to enter Germany without visas.I've enuff funds in my pocket,plz guide me.
On site "http://www.infinity.ru/eng/visas/index.shtml#1", they mention visa service for russians including to the Netherlands (only people from spain call the Netherlands Holland).
But as mentioned before, your guest has to be in person in the Dutch embassy in Moscow or st Petersburg (only not needed under certain conditions for business visa's) if he/she wants a dutch visa.
Dutch Shengen visa come's in two flavours max 180 days without travel (trough shengen area) or 90 days with travel, i assume its the same in Germany.
Loca's point 5 sufficiant funds means 34 euro per day.
I might be wrong about the 180 day without travel, the site i am reading now doesn't mention them. (it is not part of the shengen agreement but maybe an additional service from the dutch,
Do you have to register your stay, Yes you have if you are staying for a long period, but i think not for a shorter period. If you have to register you have to do this at the GBA (gemeentelijke basis administratie= townhall in the town where you are staying (or where your sponsor is staying). If you are unsure yust go to the townhall they have the duty to inform you.
The person studing in england probably only needs his passport to visit other countries.
The Indian studing in cyprus probably does need a visa as india is not listed as one of the countries that do not need a visa for stays up to 90 days. Inhabitans from cyprus do not need a visa, if you are staying at an acadamic institution they probably have people there that can explain what and if you need anything.
Dear carlingash i thought all the old eg countries where member of the schengen agreement, but of course UK has to do it differently and is NOT a member of the schengen area.
In het Schengengebied is er vrij personenverkeer. Behalve Nederland maken de volgende landen deel uit van het Schengengebied:
Luxembur g
Sufficiant funds are based on the Wwb-21 norm (wet werk en bijstand) this is the lowest form of social security in the Netherlands.
for singles it is | 806,27
for singles with children is |1036,64
for married people it is |1151,82
per month this is the after tax amount.
The english version of the ministerie will be available in the "summer" at "http://www.immigratiedienst.nl/nl/inbedrijf/actueel/english.asp" but isn't yet.
The norm values are:Tabel normbedragen voldoende geld
Geldig van 1 juli 2004 tot 1 januari 2005
Wwb-norm per maand
Per maand exclusief vakantiegeld (Per month not including holiday money)
Echtparen of ongehuwd samenwonenden (married or unmarried living together)
They normvalues for the person that does the invitation and act as a garantor if the invitee doesnt meet the sufficiant are higher and are based on 100 or 120/(130)% of minimum wage (don't know where to find that info, i think its 100% for visa abc and 120% (politicions of the right wing spoke of 130%) for MVV that is for temporay stay longer than 90 days this has nothing to do with tourism . the above mentioned amounts are app 70% of minimum wage.
minimum wage excluding holliday money ( 8% , for visa reasons this has to be added)
Het wettelijk minimumloon, exclusief 8% vakantietoeslag, bedraagt bij een voltijd dienstbetrekking: (dutch site ="http://www.st-ab.nl/normwml.htm")
AGE minimumloon ||xBrutox|| ||xNetto|x| |xBruto|x |xNettox|
23 jaar of ouder 100% |1264,80 |1046,00 |291,90 |241,
21 jaar 72,5 | 917,00 |783,00 |211,60 |181,00
{i notice that euro 34 a day is app 1046 euro, that was the norm i read somewhere in a forum)
question Must she go to the German police with the visa?
answer in the Netherlands in the digital brochure about the subject it says
7. What to do upon entry into the Netherlands
Once you have entered the Netherlands you must report, within three working days,
to the Police in the town where you will temporarily be staying. Please note: failure to
comply with this registration requirement constitutes an offence punishable by law.
If you will be in the Netherlands for less than three days, this registration requirement
does not apply. If you are staying in a hotel you will not need to report to the Police.
http://www.immigratiedienst.nl/NL/verblijfwijzer/ en click on brochures
http://www.vreemdelingenland.com/ind-fold.htm go to garantverklaring and read this VERY carefully, the wrong girl even in marriage can damage you lifelong (10years) and cost you in the area of 80.000 euro additional to lawer fees money spent for the girl or by the girl, or money spent for the girl by her lawyer her hospital bill or basicly any money she spents, the government will at least in practische not be helpfull or willing to minimize the cost that basicly are cost because they (the government) fuck up. Let op de algemene bijstandswet clausule.
FU FU FU logged out again and again. Is it so that when you take a longer time to write a reply you are automatically logged out or so?
This is the 3th time i type a longer story only to get the massage " Invalid Username/password combination. Please press back and try again."
Is there not a way to preview what you've written and to edit maybe typo's.
As you can see the layout in the pervious massages is not the way how I typed it (partly to blame to cut and paste from sites)
I'm totally not happy about this. I'm just grasping how it all this (visa stuff) works myself, so this story was also helpful for myself not just others.
what i remember:
?/ Must she go to the German police with this visa?
A/ quote "7. Wat moet u doen bij aankomst in Nederland?
Als u in Nederland bent aangekomen, moet u zich binnen drie werkdagen melden bij
de politie in de plaats waar u tijdelijk gaat verblijven.
Let wel: het niet voldoen aan deze meldingsplicht levert een strafbaar feit op.
Bent u korter dan drie dagen in Nederland, dan geldt deze verplichting niet.
Bij verblijf in een hotel hoeft u zich niet aan te melden bij de politie ."
In English one has to go to the police in the town of the temporary stay within 3 working days .
not complying is a crime. When youre stay is shorter than 3 days there is no need to register. If one stays in a hotel one does not have to register at the police.
? cost of visa
A/ E35 for almost all visa's at Dutch embassy see embassy site.
? Is it possible for a girl to get a visa without going to the embassy in person (Moscow or saint Petersburg)
A/ All visa applications are submitted personally by the applicant. It's possible to apply without the presence of the applicant only with an authorizing letter of this person and his passport containing 2 Schengen visas issued by Royal Netherlands Embassy in Moscow during the last 3 years. Anyone can pick up passports with issued visas. see Dutch embassy site. see also answer from Olga.
also http://www.vreemdelingenland.com/ind-fold.htm
My advice rather pay euro 34 a day etc on a bank account to her side and only risk this money than to be a guarantor.
Links from my browser history:
Dutch help whit visa's:
Dutch embassy in Moscow:
Info on Dutch part of marriage site:
also for Belgium's:
Dutch immigration and naturalization service of ministry of justice:
http://www.immigratiedienst.nl/nl/index.asp (the English part of this site should be available in the summer, but is not).
for downloading brochures also some in English click on brochures then on download.
visa short stay http://www.immigratiedienst.nl/nl/Images/VKV_NL_ENG_tcm5-598.pdf
first half is in Dutch second half is in English, gives answer to most questions here.
Russian firm that says it can give visa's to Russians:
http://www.infinity.ru/eng/visas/index.shtml#1 (but I'm not sure they can deliver see answer from Olga and q en a above in this message.
Is there any way one can edit its prefiously made massages and maybe make it into one decent message?
pls note the date's of this thread - July 2003, which makes it a year old, or dead in forum-terms. If Roland has not met with this girl yet then he'll never will, maar hy zal zeker allang al een weg gevonden hebben.
If you want to submit a long post use a separate editor, and cut & paste it in one go. That means you do your editing before you send it - piece of pie.
Oh, just about the whole world calls the Netherlands Holland, in fact very few know this name refers to two 'provincies' only. Beats me why you think only the Spanish do.