Hi guys... I am new here and I thank you for all the information I've found on the forum...it's great!!!! If possible I would like to receive some information on Fiance.com:
1) In the men's catalogue, girls and agencies can see how many letters we have sent/received?
2) Do you think the majority of girls put real photos?
3) Do you think that scams are usual here?
I thank you all of you in advance... and I hope for you to find the girl you are looking for!!!
1) In the men's catalogue, girls and agencies can see how many letters we have sent/received?
no they do not see it. only VIP members can see stat on ladies how many letters they received , when registered.
2) Do you think the majority of girls put real photos?
3) Do you think that scams are usual here?
read forum on this subject. fiance.com can not control somebody's brains. intentions. we do not edit messages. but we have some screening mechanism to catch scammers and remove them from the system. if you notice any suspicious behavior of the members, email to support we will investigate. fiance.com is a normal dating/introduction /personals site. so act the same way as if you were on yahoo personals, or other dating site.
Olga, the information you present regarding controlling someones brain or intentions is totally out of line, and a stupis excuse. Of course you can't control anyones brain or intentions, but better efforts should be used to weed out scammers by the agencies. What you state is the proiblem with agencies, and scammers. A guy can spend alot of money writing to a girl, and then visiting this girl, say for instance on the second or third meeting, the girl asks the guy for money, to help for medical expenses, univeristy, clothes, whatever, the girl is nothing but a scammer, just leading this guy along, for the sole purpose of obtaining money by fraud, and what happens if this guy complains to the agency? Absolutely nothing, that what happens, this guy will get the same response you just mentioned, I dont know her intentions, cant read her mind, etc., well as an agency you should have known her intentions, you need to know your product you sell, and that's single Russian girls who are interested in marriage to a foreign guy.
If the above happens which I am sure it does very often, what re-course does a guy have, he has none, nothing at all, he's wasited thousands of dollars, and the agency owner will in essence, throw up her hands and say something stupid like I didn't know, there is no oversight in this industry and there needs to be, this is an industry which is not held accountable for the product they sell, and this is why there are so many scams, by agecnies and the girls. Saying something silly like 'can't control someones brain' is a totally lame excuse.
timmy21. read our forum and read how site works. and do not call anybody stupid here or we will remove your posts.
do not spend a lot of money use your brains, and fiance,com has all the tools to recognize who is sincere who is not. if you wasted thousands of dollars somewhere, sorry to hear that. we are not an agency, we do not sell anobody here. read my post. and we do not know your intentions and other members real intentions. read forum more and be reposnible for your own actions.
Olga, I should have said an agency, I did not say Fiance.com, but this is what an agency says when a guy runs into a scammer, exactly what you said, 'can't control someones mind, don't know their intentions, etc, they all say the same thing, no you cant, but an agency should be much more responsible for the girls they represent, a guy spends alot of money when he visits these girls, there's no other way to get around this, even if he uses his brains, he spends alot of money traveling here, ( I say here, because I live in Ukraine)I am saying if he runs into a scammer, he's out all of this money, this is the (fairly) new type of scam, a girl wants a guy to visit, when he visits she'll give a false hope of love, when all she wanted was gifts and money, and I think that's a crime, it's nothing but fraud. When the guy complains, the agency will say basically, just what you said, can control 'em, cant read their mind, oh well, to bad. Yes, she was on my site, but I didnt know she was a scammer. You're not selling these girls, but your product is single girls from russia interested in marriage, and if a few of these girls are criminal scammers, well sorry, nothing can be done.
All I am saying is that this is an industry that doesn't back up it's product when there are scammers, there needs to be oversight and some sort of regulation in this industry, becasue they're so many girls on these sites who are only in it for the money, and nothing more, and that means the customer is out thousands and the customer can do nothing, all that is said by the agency is what you said, can't read her mind, hey sorry, we didn't know.
timmy21, of course this will take money when you travel, traveling always takes money. If you are so concerned about spending money - then why travel in the first place? Why not try to find your special someone where you live? I mean, if you are looking for a wife in Ukraine, Russia or any other foreign country - do you always think of these women as mere products? Would you like to think of yourself as a product (a single guy from the US interested in marriage) intended to be sold to a lady from Russia? What back-up can you provide? How can a man verify his intentions once and for all that he is indeed looking for a long-term relationship and not just going for a joy-ride across Russia? Can the ladies he corresponds with read his mind and really know he is not giving them a false hope of love? I mean there are risks involved for both men and women in this industry so everyone has to be cautious and keep their eyes open.
And once a man is there (or here) - is anybody waving a gun at him forcing him to spend money on her gifts, etc.? Is anybody forcing him to send cash to her and then see her disappear forever?
Like Olga said - we do what we can - if you notice anything suspicious regarding a certain lady - report it to admin@fiance.com - we will investigate and report to you asap.
timmy21, I thought the same way as Nadya ...
You talk about woman as if they are a product which are listed on an internet store ...
It's time for you to grow up ... looking for a ceap woman and avoid to spend too much money ... then instead of being on the computer ... go outside your house search for a woman in your city ...
The sight is not offering women but the possibility to communicate with them ... it's upto you to know to manage your money!