Hi guys,i’m new on this site and must say that it’s really cool! I’m sorry my English unfortunately it isn’t so good… i’m Italian and hope you understand me.However it’s about two months that I am writing to approximately 14 girls and two of them i have already left,i think still to skim the others.I have had a experience with a girl,i think scam,because we had to meet our to Kiev ,she is from Mariuopol and in order to come to Kiev she has asked me the cash for the flight.Ok,Saying this with the others there aren’t problems,for now,nobody still asked me moneies,but there’s a girl in particular that i really like her and it seems she likes me too.She writes me really strong letters and very very romantics,I don’t know,can i trust myself? I have two questions: If it’s true that 90% of women on these type of site are scammers,why people persist to enroll themselves and they pay in order to write letters to false and manipulator women?In April I should have go to Simferopol, i never have been in Ukraine,It’s better if I go together with my friend or can i go alone? Otherwise can I be trusted to organize my travel with the agency of Fiance? How would I have myself to be involved? Thanks to all, I want to say this last thing:”If you have the cash you have the power, if you have the power you have the women.”(Scarface film) I hope that it isn’t in this way.Bye.
I am Italian too! I'm leaving to Ukraine next Friday. Stai attento che qui è pieno di coglioni che non hanno di meglio da fare che gettare merda sugli Italiani paragonandoli ad Al Capone. Propongo una santa alleanza :-) Ti do la mia e-mail:
Fatti vivo così chiacchieriamo un po'.
I wouldn't say it works exactly that way. Some cash can always help, anyway...
per essere più preciso ti dirò che questo è un forum utile e la maggior parte di quelli che scrivono sono persone a posto. Ho anche fatto amicizia con un tizio della costa ovest degli stati uniti, uno a posto. Mi è stato di aiuto in molte cose e probabilmente lo vedrò a Kiev tra pochi giorni. Purtroppo c'è anche una buona percentuale di teste di cazzo, ma di quelle da non credere. Qualcuno si esercita a coprire di cacca gli italiani. Se mi scrivi ti faccio i nomi delle teste di cazzo più grosse e di quelli da cui è bene stare alla larga se non ci si vuole incazzare. Dal tuo nickname immagino che tu sia Veneto, giusto? Io sono di Pavia. Comunque in Ucraina puoi andarci benissimo da solo, non c'è nessun problema dal momento che non serve neanche più il visto.
A Babel fish translation of kingarthur's post for the rest of us.
"Furlan, for being preciser I will say to you that this is a useful forum and the greater part of that they write they are persons to place. Also I have made friendship with tizio of the coast the west of the United States, one to place. Me it has been of aid in many things and probably I will see it to Kiev between little days. Unfortunately there is also a good percentage of witness of I haul, but of those not to believe. Someone practices to cover of cacca the Italians. If me you write I make you the names of the witness of I haul more large and than those from which it is well to be to the wide one if us it is not wanted to be incazzare. From yours nickname I imagine that you are Veneto, just? I am of Pavia. However in Ucraina you can go to us very well alone, not is R-nessun.problema from the moment that not servants neanche more the approval. "
"A posto" means "good" or "reliable". So, "the most part of those who write in this forum are reliable, good persons."
"Testa di cazzo", means "asshole". So, a meaningful translation is "Unfortunately there is also a good percentage of assholes"
As for the rest, I will leave you with your crappy automatic translation, hoping that jetmba hasn't issued an edict that forbids a non-native English speaker to use his native language with a country man from time to time :-)
Hi thomasm3 :-)
I'm going to Kiev next Friday. I'll be there till the 14th of Feb., then I'll go to Mariupol, and stay there till Feb. 19th. It looks like our paths aren't crossing. Anyway, if you like you can contact me at the e-mail address I gave in my first reply to 100%Furlan. It would be a pleasure :-)
too bad...I'll be in staying in Kiev on Friday but I'll be there quite late, like 23:00...next day I have a flight to Simferopol at 14:30... anyway, have fun...
nice to know you understand Italian ;-) You're perfectly right, "testa di cazzo" literally means "dickhead"... I allowed myself a poetic licence :-)))
I'll be in Simferopol on Friday the 16th, will go to see resort towns hopefully on Sunday. I have the 14:30 flight
on Friday. I'll be in Kiev on 12th, maybe I'll run into King???????