I was writing to this lady (69834) for a while and when I suggested meeting she wrote th following letter:
Martin hello.
You can call me through this agency.. it will be the best for me..
I am not any “boris” and it was stupid joke, actually I have found already a man here, I am
not sure in our relationships- but anyway, I wish to stop correspondence with all other men,
so it is time to say good bye to each other I think.. And I save you money- as I stop our
correspondence. I hope you are not offended with my honesty.. But for me it should be so..
Translation [machine]
then the same day this letter:
So, Martin, you do not need to spend money on this letter- safe them on other lady.
I wish you all the best in your search, I hope you understand..
I am sure you will find a lady of your dreams and will be happy.
But before I suggested meeting, I go letters like this:
Martin hello.
Thank you for the nice letter.
I am sorry for late reply- it is just work and studies..
How are you?? What is new in your life?? Anything interesting??
Here is it very cold, I hate such weather, I almost can’t breath in the street.. And put too
much cloth on, I look stupid..-((
I do not think that now it is good time- if you wish to come to Riga- may be better in
summer?? When it will be warmer?? I think it is much better and I will have more free time
after studies..
and this.....................
Hello again my sweet friend Martin..
I am so happy you wrote..
Yes, I am still alone and my heart is free and I am sorry- I do not like Indian food.
What about you?? How do you live? What’s new??
So here is next deep step to each other.. I find it is very interesting to write letters, it
is so old fashioned, like in old romantic novels- but letter exchange is much faster..-))
I live with my parents now in small flat in suburbs. We are small friendly family. I have also
older sister, but she lives and works in Russia, in Moscow we do not see each other often, now
there are borders between our countries and visas, it makes things complicated. But before New
Year, every year I visit her..
I was married some time ago. My husband was financially secure. So I didn’t work- but took
care about myself and the house.. On the whole I did nothing. Than we divorced. It seems that
my husband thought that money can give him overwhelming power on me- but it is not so..
I lived in golden cage.. I do not wish it again. I need a normal man, who will love and
respect me, who will take me as I am I am looking for unconditional love- and I am ready to
get and most important to give it!!!
I know that there are no perfect people in the world, what I would like to see in him is
loyalty, decency, care and understanding.
I hope to find someone that knows love is more important than anything else. I would like to
meet a man, who will be a good husband…
When I will meet a man of my dream my soul mate- I will feel it….. I know..
I continued my studies at University- before marriage I enter the University and had studied
for 3 years.. Than I stopped for a while- now I returned back again.. And I have two more
years.. I study law..
I must tell that after divorce 1 year passed and I feel much happier now and more self
Studies take almost all my time- so part time.
So it is more about me, my heart is open to you, ask me any questions, I will be glad to
This is one of a few ladies who suddenly have either a) found a man, b) dont want to continue the aquaintance, c) got to go away to another country for a while and dont know when they will be back......, when you suggest meeting them.
Has anyone else had the same things said to them when they suggest meeting up?
Sometime back - as a part of one of my first trips to Moldova - I wanted a backup plan. I hoped to have a few ladies names and numbers, just in case things went very badly with the lady I intended to see. I contacted a few laides that I met on fiance.com, and while they all seemed interested in my intro letter, they suddenly pulled back and were no longer available when I informed them that I would BE in Moldova in a month or something from the writing of the letter.
Son-of-a-gun if they ALL had met the "guy of their dreams" between their response to my intro letter and their response to my announcement that I would be there. And those who HADN'T magically met someone - just vanished and I would never hear from them again.
At that time we had a great guy named Tim who was a regular contributor to this forum, he was a little suspicious. Together we came up with a plan to see if this was for-real. I gave him all the contact information on these girls, as an experiment. HE wrote to them after they had already given me the brush-off and every single girl was VERY interested in meeting him!
Then came "Phase Two". He wrote to each of the girls telling them that he would be in Moldova in a month and would love to meet them. If I recall correctly every girl either disappeared for him as well or suddenly found the "man of her dreams" and was not available.
There can be several possible reasons for this phenomenon, some legitimate, many not. Could be the girl just really isn't ready to meet the guy. No girl wants to be part of a "sex tourist" trip and if she suspects that she will not meet you.
But it could certainlty be that she is not real - or that she IS real, but not really interested in YOU. A lot of women have free time on their hands and acces to the internet at work. It might be that she keeps her profile up for fun, and maybe profit (if some guy should be so foolish as to send her money) but that she really either is unavailable or just plain not interested in really meeting you.
THESE and numerous other reasons are why I DON'T LIKE LETTER WRITNG. There are so many PROBLEMS with it as a way of meeting someone. I prefer to go there and meet the girls face to face WITHOUT letter writing campaigns.
How would you feel if, after writing a few sweet letters to her, she wrote back to you and told you she suspected you might be a WOMAN. Or a scammer. Or (as in the case of her being potentially a "boris") BOTH!
But so many of these ladies, genuine ones that is, realise that letter writing means very little and a face to face meeting is the only realistic method of moving forward.
As pointed out by an earlier contributor, there are a lot of reason for the sudden brush off, some legitimate, some not.
There was a saying back a few years ago among the folks on America Online have to do with the fact that you never really know who you're talking to until you meet face to face. The saying went "AOL ! Where men are men, and so are half the women !"
Now what benefit some Yuri gets from pretending to be a Svetlana, isn't clear in abundance to me, except there are a few folks who are sucker enough to send some money on occassion. But the reality of the matter is that there are plenty of Jack's in this country who pretend to be Jane's.
Yet others who are legitimate, can get cold feet when it comes time to "put up or shut up." When it comes time to "pull the trigger" and actually meet a man who is actually going to be in Moldova, some are actually not going to be able to meet .... for a variety of reasons .... some out of fear ... fear of leaving the homeland .... fear of what the family will think. For some, they really have no interest in leaving Moldova at all. They were really just looking for a pen-pal.
I'll also add .... that there are women out here who have been hanging around this site since 2004 and have managed to receive close to a thousand letters. I think that rather clearly, you're wasting your time. It occurs to me that if she received 10 letters for each guy, she's now had contact from about 100 guys over a three year period. That's about one per week. If she can't find what she's looking for given 100 men over three years, at the rate of one per week, SHE really has a problem on her hands. My suspicion being that her expectations are completely unrealistic and uncompromising. .............
There's an old saying. I don't know if it translates into Russian. "Shit, or get off the pot !" More likely the analogy they'd understand in Russia is, "Quit dancing around the May Pole."
S**T! I could not see her. Admin removed her profile. Anyway, if she is STUNNING, the phenomenon could be the usual 2-good-2-b-true one. Maybe it's Vladimir of the agency who writes the letters. Maybe the girl just had her photos taken, had her profile published by the local agency and by fiance.com, but she's not interested at all in a relationship with a foreign man. Just a lure used by the local agency... Does this make sense?
She was gorgeous. Well, she had a terrific figure anyway. A single picture with no close shot of her face. And from Latvia.
Don't know if she was real or not but I will tell you that if I were a scammer, THAT is the sort of picture I would post. Certainly enough to get a typical guy's hormones racing.
Had a casual converstion with my exfiance in Moldova recently. She has a friend who is a pudgy plain looking 27 year old. "Just for a joke" (my exfiance said) her unattractive friend posted pictures on a website of a Russian model and claimed it was herself. She said she did it out of boredom.
Her friend got letters back from a very attractive European guy, she described as looking like Brad Pitt. He looked like a male-model she said.
Anyway the two wrote to each other for a while even though her friend questioned if this guy was for real and how could anyone look that good. Finally my exfiance's friend fessed-up and admitted that that wasn't really her in the photos - and Mr. Brad Pitt-Looking Guy stopped writing to her. Now she is heartbroken and longs for a way to get to the European country this guy is from to find him and to determnine if he is genuine.
"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practive to deceive."
I wrote this Nadja girl an intro letter a few weeks ago and she replied to me that she was very interested in me. I was surprised that she wrote me back because I noticed she gets a lot of letters but I decided to try anyways. So of course I wrote her my second letter and waited for her reply. I guess I'm never getting it since today I noticed her profile is deleted! :-) and according to Bored's post she is interested in another man now. Who knows if this woman is real or what is going on with her. Women are the most insane beings on the planet if you ask me... ;-)
For those who are interested, her profile is also on Army of Brides too. It's still up too so go figure?
I am paying particular attention to the small print on the profile that tells you how long the girl has been subscribed, and also to how many letters have been written to her. Do you more experienced folks think that this may be an indication as to how genuine the girl is?
I could be wrong, but I think you will find on this site the number of letters a woman receives, is in fact the number of guys that have written to her. If it shows she has received a thousand letters and each guy sent her 10, it would mean she has actually received 10,000 letters. Sort of helps explain why these woman write short replies.
In the past when I subscribed to fiance.com there was one particular lady in Nikolaev who I corresponded with and she too received lots of letter, even as we were corresponding I noticed her letter tally increasing quite significantly and on a daily basis.
Well her letters were becoming quite 'hot', I guess I mean encouraging, and it was agreed that in a few weeks from then I would travel to Nikolaev. Well literally with one week (ish) to go she pulled out quoting that perhaps we were rushing into things (she had done all the rushing) and we should continue corresponding but I never heard from her again.
Conclusion, either her or her agency were 'professional' letter writers and without serious intent, all water under the bridge for me now but writing via agencies can be a waste of time.
does anyone know any genuine ladies on here with their ID numbers? I mean they are sure they are genuine because they have talked to them on the phone or met them or something to prove that they are real and interested in meeting a foreign man.
what do the girls who are not real or not sincere on here get out of going on here i the first place then? i notice the girl i mentioned has been deleted now.
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Russian brides > Main Forum > anyone get replies from ladies to stop correspondence when a meeting is suggested?