Here's an email I received from Lady #????? .... she's got the vocabulary down, just has the masculine and feminine a little mixed up.
" My dream of joining this site was to find a special woman that I could share the rest of my life with, to have another child. I would like to find a woman who knows what a man wants and can provide that care, at the same time accept the care given by me to her"
My lady always cofused "yesterday" with "tomorrow".
"Don't worry we can always do it yesterday."
And "I was so tired tomorrow."
She would also find the "proper" Englsih words on her own and sometimes amuse me by what she came up with. In some dictionary she looked up the name of the creature which flies and sucks blood. I was amazed, but tried to keep a straight face when she declared that she had been bitten by a doxen VAMPIRES the night before. (She meant mosquitoes.)
I explained to her what vampires were - that they were bats, and that in the movies they were beings that appeared to be human. I further explained that the creture that had bitten her was a mosquitoe - a bug. Unfortunately she confused "bugs" with "birds" and after that would often tell me that she had been bitten by "vampire birds" which always made me smile.