I am from Nottingham England . I have Just returned from visiting ladies in Dneproptrovsk and krivoy Rog through an agency. Bit of a dissapointment really.Saw 7 ladies during my 10 day visit. 2 of the ladies the ladies were really nice . Went to sparta club with ladies and moon club and some other places with other ladies in Dneproptrovsk. Nice restaurant type bars.
i Got the impression from the ladies that they just wanted food and drink from me. They arranged to meet me the next day, But then the agency phoned me in my apartment to tell me the ladies could not meet me because they were"busy at work". Other ladies i had been in long correspondence with also could not meet me when i turned up in Dneproptrovsk.i ended up choosing ladies from their web site that i had not corresponded with.
I went to Krivoy Rog it chucked it down with sleet and rain. we went in some restaurant near to the Aurora Hotel there with a lady from web site. Stunning lady she was,she spoke some English.We too agreed to meet again. Then the message came through next day that she could not possibly meet me again this week beccause of "family matters"!!. By the way Krivoy Rog is a shit hole.
Dneproptrovsk is a lovely city with many nice streets and buildings. My apartment in Dneproptrovsk was quite nice but water was out of hot tap was cold and shower was cold too.
Due to my time flight connections i had to fly Kiev then zaphorzye Airport and taxi to Dneproptrovsk.I flew from Birmingham KLM. KLM lost my suitcase in amsterdam airport-they sent it to in Hamburg germany. I eventually arrive at Zaphoryze airport via Kiev about 8.30 at night.I had ONLY the clothes i arrived in while standing on zaphoroze airport runway with it snowing standing with 30 other people waiting to get on plane.I was freezing, with my thick winter coat and other clothes now in my lost suitcase in Hamburg . This was a long way from Nottingham i thought, what have i got myself into?
I eventually arrived in Dneproptrovsk and my lost suitcase was located and sent to me by KLM 3 days later.
Anyway after seeing the ladies mentioned above here previously i got a Taxi arranged through agency to take me to Zaphoryze airport to start my journey back home. we got to Zaphoryze city ok which incidentally looks to be be quite a nice city. BUT the the taxi driver could NOt find the airport. He asked for directions at intourist hotel. But he was still lost . So He suddenly stopped our Taxi on the road that crosses a dam over the large river in zaphoryze he got out to ask directions!!Bizzare. He ended up asking five seperate people for directions to airport. after the nightmare jouney around zaphorozye he finally got me to airport 20 minutes before aeroplane take off time.
To be honest with you i am glad to be back home now.
e mail yes93t@yahoo.co.uk
There is something not quite right about taxi drivers in Ukraine, something of the Sicilian temperament in some them -in fact that can be said about some of the women there as well.
i know what you mean about klm airlines though. i had the same experience in Rome 3 years ago- my baggage ended up in Gothenburg Sweden sent from amsterdam schipol.
Probably best if you choose to go again fly direct from Gatwick using ukraine international airlines.
an unfortunate introduction to your experience in trying to find a partner in fsu.
If you decidee to return use another taxi company pre book it with somebody like ukrainefare.com. there taxi drivers are experienced and know where they are going.with regards to Zaphoroyze airport the waiting room there is a corrugated steel cattle shed.
You won't get a ukrainefare taxi in Dnepropetrovsk or Zaporozhye.
No it hasn't, Zaporozhye is still a dump despite it being my 2nd home. The industrial plants are still there, powered by the dam, and they still open up the smoke stacks of an evening so one can see and smell the sh1t drifting across the city.
I thought Zaporozhye was a nice enough looking city when I was there a couple of years ago, the girls I met there we're evil gold digging scammers but that's another point. :-) I did find it to be very polluted though. I would definetly not want to visit it in the summer when it is hot, it's got to be even worse than when I went in spring. I would be curious to know if they have a high cancer rate and what the age expectancy is there.
I did not spend enough time in Zaphoroyze to know about the gold digging scammers that you mention.though i can relate to your experience - A lady i went with and i bought her dinner desert and wine in Dneproptrovsk complained to the agency next day that i did not pay the full 100 hrvnas for her journey home- apparently i gave the taxi driver 90 hrvnas. though not deliberately of course the ungrateful bitch.
i paid 230 hrvnas from Denepetrovsk to zaphoryze airport and i made sure i got the agreed price in writing when the taxi was booked through the agency.
it would cost about 25hrvnas on the minibus from Denepetrovsk to Zaphorozyze airport at least the bus driver would have known where he was going to.
by the way which agency did you use in Dnepropetrovsk?
There are no bus services direct from Dnepropetrovsk to Zaporozhye airport, Zaporozhye airport is quite a distance from the city centre and there ain't any bus services at all to the airport.
i used cindyagency but as i mentioned previously most of the ladies i had been writing to did not turn up. next time i think i will go on one of the "social" tours with another company.
bored. foreign affair? very expensive- better off going to Ukraine and sitting in a bar in Kiev and approach women in the bars there or some other city in ukraine is about as effective as foreign affair socials.
Ian. If you are in Nottingham you are better off flying from east midlands airport to Amsterdam and get flight connection to kiev next time:)
Welcome to Internet Dating. Yes, it sucks sometimes - I'm on trip number 9 next month. The first 2 trips were a hoot - very much like your nightmare journey to hell.