Well heres the story me and this guy from usa have been together 6 years. He asked me to marry him end of last year and i accepted it. Only thing is he's 18 and living in the usa and im 16 living at home with my parents. Im 17 in september and personally if this is going to happen i dont see what difference is makes getting married now or when i turn 18 since its only next year. My issue is that im not sure how to get him to be able to legally live here at my house with me and marry me. Can someone please help me make this work because i have been searching through the net but different sites say different things about visas.
I checked with the marriage visa and we fall under all the rules, both candidates have to be over the age of 16. I would like to know how much one would cost. And where i can go from here on?
Both my parents know about him and accepted that he can live here in the Uk.
It would be a simple matter for your boyfriend to get a work visa to the UK. Once he is in your country it is realitively simple to get married.
What would really srcew your life up would be having children at an early age.
So you have separated already like ships in a sea?????? Remember it is life and it happens to all.
I see you and a couple of friends have joined the discussion in this forum. Nice to have you around to comment
so US foreign guys can learn from your wealth of knowledge of Ukranian girls.
So a lot of Ukranian girls will not leave their homes for another country......so this means all these 1000's of
girls on all internet sites tell lies about meeting a foreign guy and finding their 'second halves'. When all they really want is to have their cake and eat it too. Every girl I talk to I have asked about their intentions and if they are willing to leave their homes.........100% said yes!!!! According to you, this is untrue. Who is right??
Beemer, yes, with my 19 years' love I am separated as ships in the sea.
It's nothing to deal with coutry, but with age and experience, you undertand that? Good if yes.
All girls in internet are ready to move. It's true. but most of UA ladies are not in net and have no idea to move.
As for me.
I was ready to move to Europe, bcs it is close to my Land and still be often back. Very often.
I love Ukraine and I feel very strong connection with it.
I was not ready to move to Australia or USA or any other continent.
The man spend 2 month with me here in UA to get my mind ready to move and join his life.
Would do it for the woman you like ot love????
I would do anything for a girl I love. Nothing I do is set in stone or only my way. I have an open mind. Where I end up living my life only heaven knows. What I do know is next few years will be in Los Angeles after that who knows??
I was speaking of only girls in net. I do not care about what UA girls not on net do because it does not
affect me or in fact anyone on this forum.
I don't understand why you left your country..your Land, if you have such strong connection...I would not. I don't see why you do not move back. There is something stopping you!!!! I am curious, is it financial???
I don't leave : )) )) I am still here.
I have a kid and she will grow in Ukraine.
As for financial reason. Yes, it is.
I want to earn good money, build business and get oppotunities which I don't have here, bcs Ukriane is very corrypted.
We have reach people here and reach men also. There milliards of $$ in Kiev. The issue is that they are not clean.
Our Timoshenko is the richest bitch in Europe, if you don't kow that. More rich that UK Queen.
So, don't fall from your chair, I am honest, yes, I look for more financial posibilities abroad.
What's wrong with that?????
Look, I'm not going to live as vegatable house wife managing kitchen.
I give everything on the plate to the man who wants me.
It's his problem whether accept or deny, isn't it?
Maybe what I write now is shock for YOU, but ok for sm other man.
AAAAND... I MYSELF AM like the millions $$$ moving property. Joke.
BUT. I'm not going to give myself to anybody for nothing.
Beemer18 and Monada
Hello!! Just to say.... When I met my wife in Ukraine I decided that life had to change. We talked about how to live. Where to live.. We discussed everything. It is important to me that she is happy so we decided to live part af the time in Ukraine and part of the time in UK... I developed my work so that this is possible. Every Ukrainian woman has a very strong connection with her country.. i think it is a sign of a good person.. Western people tend to think that everything revoles around money and finances... It is our upbringing... It is a pity... We have learnt a lot from each other thus we have become a strong family unit... I wish you lots of luck!!!!!!
1/ My kid will stay here, bcs HERE she'll get the best education and development.
2/ My husb will attract investors and move some business here.
As you probably know, there are good opportunities in Ukraine.
I't not poor, but DEVELOPING country.
AND. There are BIG money here.
3/ Yes, there's no place for quarrel. but WESTERN MAN has to come to UKRAINE WITH RESPECT TO OUR LADIES.
If they think to come and F@CK us WE WILL F@CK THEIR STUPID BRAINS< BE SURE.
We pass here a good life exam for being strong and smart.
YOU WILL RESPECT OUR ABILITY TO LOOK LUXIRY and LIVE FULL LIFE for 200$ month salary, as one "wise man" here mentioned.
I agree with much of what you say and am not shocked about what you write. I think Ukranian girls are
very smart. If they are offered something for free, why not take it. There are too many men that think with
wrong head and then complain about being used and abused. I do know there are unscrupulous girls out there
that just 'date' westerners with no intention of a relationship...those are ones that give girls a bad name
as well as weterners that are only internet letter writers or sex tourists. It is on both sides. I have been on the wrong side of a girl which just wanted to be dined and go shopping....that didn't last long. trouble is you
only find out these things when meeting a girl, no matter how letter writing goes.
And yes, there is much $$$$ to be made in Ukraine, just get in when economy is on the rise.
I like your line ..... I give everything on the plate to the man who wants me. :)))))))