So I am new to this site. I signed up a cupple months ago just to take a look a some of the wemen. Over the past month or so I have gotten letters from these ladies and I decided ide try a premium month to see what the fuss was all about. I am suprised these very atractive wemen are putting thier heart out on the line for a guy. I am just wondering though, am I getting jerked around? I am not sure if I really beleive these wemen are lagit. I have gotten second letters and it seems some of them are just scamming me and others seem quite real. I admit there are some amazingly beautiful wemen out there and I would love to have one for a whife because I know that russian culture has a great way of rasing wonderfull wemen. Am I waisting my time, who on here has married one of these girls? who has met them? is this for real? I just want to know.
most of them are serious i married a woman from this site and i dont regret it at all my wife is from the country of moldova but there are several men here that can answer many questions and them serveral guys have married and several have gone to see these women and some guys are still looking for what they want
if you are not serious about what you are doing dont waste there time nor yours when you get involved with one of theses women it can be a long process and it is expensive. to travel and prepare all documents for the goverment for her goverment
so be prepared to sell out some $$$$ in this process
good luck and i wish you all the best
Hello Peter,
I started much the same way as you did on this site about 4 years ago. I had the same opinion as you of what is going on here with these beautiful ladies. I met my wife not from this site but I did use an agency I met through this site to introduce us and help us to get aquainted with eachother. To make a long story short, we married earlier this year. Shes a 25 yr old from St Petersburg, about 5'8", blond hair, sky blue eyes and is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Shes got a great personality, is grounded and is everything a western woman is not. So, yes most of them are for real but you have to add in a little good luck and lots of learning about the journey you are thinking of getting into. I met many women along my way to find the one for me. Use your judgement, dont listen to everything everyone says. Make your own path and do whats good for you. Good luck!
hey hammer. I am pretty seriouse about meeting a woman and I dont want to wast any ones times, and I am afraid my time is being wasted. There are lots of very atractive wemen here and I have been getting lots of letters. I didn't write any for a cupple months but they wrote me and thats what I am wondering. I would love to marry a fine woman. I was married to an american girl from utah for a while and she didnt work out well and i have heard many things about european wemen, especialy the russians. I just want to try something new and I will spend as much money as it takes to find me a descent wife. So far, I like this site, I am just still kinda skeptical.
So how is your marriage working? That sounds really exciting?
I am not one of the married ones but just use a lot of common sense. Why do you feel they are scamming you? Can they
scam you with letters??? If they seem to be real go with it. If you are really serious, why are you worried about
wasting someones time? If you are interested just go with it until you feel it is not what you want, I am sure
that is what girls think also. I do not feel girls writing first to you end up anywhere and if they still write you after you not writing for awhile, drop them, probably just letter writers.
If you feel your time is being wasted, maybe this is not for you. It a long rigorous journey, not for the unsure,
with many minefields. I have met with 15-20 girls and have written to over a hundred and still looking for my partner if that gives you some idea of what you may be looking forward to. Good luck which ever way you go!
Hey thanks guys. *smile* I have only been on here seriously a cuple days now, and I really do enojy meating all these wemen, every single one of them has said wonderfull things and have great personalaties. I would love to visit them sometime. Take a nice long trip to their country and meet them in persone. I am even considering learning russian. My brother speeks it fluently wich would help me and I know of some people here that are russianand teach it too. I am just excitied about this whole prospect, but I am skeptical too. We will just see what happens.
Cheer up Beemer, you will find her. You can never be too picky though, I know I can be though. My oldest brother is divorced too like me and he read a book that sugests making a list of 10 things you want and 10 things you can't stand. He said that if there is even just a cupple things you cant stand its time to move on. I thought that was kind of funny. Anyhow. I would be interested talking more on the forums and getting a better idea of what I might be getting myself into. Love is one thing i want.
As Beemer said, it's a long, arduous, time consuming, sometimes frustrating and very expensive exercise.
All I can suggest, is try and make a connection with a women (or women) then jump on a plane and go and see them. I've made 3 trips and met a couple dozen women with no luck.
Nothing beats going there - no amount of letters, phone calls etc. will substitute for a first person visit. And learn a little Russian/Ukrainian before you go - it shows that you are trying.
I'm deep into Year 3 now and I think I finally found the one I was looking for, from a small town in Belarus. I'll know in a few weeks if this is it or if I have to start all over again.
No need to be cheered up Peter, I am very happy with my life. As long as you are focused in your thoughts and are
not forcing it to work out in search, things will work out fine. I have no idea if or when it will work for me but
I am having a nice time meeting some very nice girls, most are just trying to find their match while others are what
I call 'shoppers', getting treated to their wants. Meeting the girls is only way to find out for sure about them.
It is funny how Peter describes girls he is writing to as wonderful with great personalities, it is always that
way in beginning with a new correspondence. As time goes you end dropping girls and are constantly adding girls as they join site. A good piece of advice...always stay in correspondence with 10-15 girls if possible, don't pin your hopes on just a couple girls, chances are high it will not work out. I list girls in order of 1-10 in terms of how compatible I think we are, higher on list is better chance of meeting. List is constantly being adjusted depending on how correspondence is going. Some girls write often while others maybe once a week. It is truely a crapshoot. I don't know if this is a good way but you need some way of determining which girl may be right for you. I agree with you
trying to learn Russian, I am, it will come in handy not only with girls but taxi, restaurants and stores.
well peter my marriage is going great couldnt be happier i agree with some things beemer said and some i dont but each person has there on way of doing things
i only wrote to 2 or 3 girls and once i started writing to my wife i only wrote her
when i went to moldova i only went to see her, but everybody has there way of doing things
but as far as mine it was the best thing i ever did we are very happy and it is a big adjustment for her and for me but it is worth every penny and like they have said above it's not cheap and the only way you will ever know is to go there and see first hand for yourself then and only then will you understand some of what there life is about
good luck hammer
Good evening guys. Today I was suprised to open up my inbox and find 11 new responces, each one was nice to read and personalised. I found out that you can save three letter formats and write whatever in them and edit them to personalise them, I am sure and confident thats what these girls are doing. I was thinking about doing that so I am not typing the same thing over and over gain to so many ladies, and if they respond back a cupple times I can then start writing normal letters. *smiles*. I am very much enjoying this site. So now that I have writen a few letters and goten a few responces formthe same girls, I am not getting "canned" letters or the formated ones, they can only have a few tricks up their sleaves. *laughs* Anyhow, I am having a good time talking to these ladies, now that I have been talking to them more and getting more letters, they all seem to be really genuine and real. It was just those first cupple formated letters that kida got me questioning, but now that I know about that, im not so skeptical. I don't feel like I am being skammed anymore, now that I know a little more how this site works, it makes sence to make a cupple formated letters.
Well guys, there are alot of great wemen out there are what a great opportunity to get to know them, it has trully put a smile on my face..
take care and I would love to hear about more of your experiences.
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Russian brides > Main Forum > Hve agency ladies writen to you? Are they for real or are you just getting jerked around?