Hi anyone who read's this message, i've been speaking to a russian lady aged 30. She's send me pictures and which i'm very impressed. I haven't searched for this contact it has come to me off a dating site. I feel abit lost not knowing what to do, i email back and for every day and we communicate to one and other every. Has anyone out there had sucess through communicating to a Russian Girl. If so tell me all about it, i very interested. None of my friends understand and think i'm crazy!!!
Read the posts on this site, they are very educational. But the best thing you can do is write to some ladies and figure out who you want to go visit. This whole thing is a very expensive proposition so if you are not prepared to pay $5000 to $8000 on this then look closer to home.
It nothing else you will probably see a beautiful part of the world that you would not normally see otherwise.
And DO NOT SEND MONEY to someone you have never met.
You want my honest opinion.....you are crazy!!! Fact is I am crazy for a girl right now!!!! Just keep your mindset, don;t get too into this girl.
I have a rule on getting any contact from a girl without me first putting any effort into reaching out for girl.
I know many girls on this site are letter writers, trying to get as many letters sent to them. There is some kind of payday for amount of letters. These girls constantly send out letters to guys first. Of course any man would first think that this girl is interested in him but chances are high won't amount to anything. Going back to your question Mickey, you decide what you would like to do.
How are you doing Cycle???
I hope things are great!!!
i sometimes wonder if it would be better to offer a raffle for the husband to a potential russian wife. sort through all the site gals and then offer to the selected few this:
offer 20 k for the right lady escrowed upfront and tell her she will be reimbursed as to a timeline of marriage with a bonus after 10/20/30 years. if she leaves and cant prove any wrong doing on his part she loses the cash as way to pay off expenses. if she stays and the marriage works she wins again knowing that hubby is going to stay close to home also