I asked a similar question regarding Odessa recently and was fortunate enough to hear from one guy who had taken a tour (and one guy who didn't go on one but just wanted to give his opinion). Now I'd just like to ask anyone who has actually BEEN ON A TOUR to tell me about it. Was it worth it? Which company did you go with? Like to hear everything....
It's just a tour for God's sake, it's not a trip to Marsh. Just book yourself, pay 3500 dollars and get on a plane. You'll take some sun and you'll meet women, what's the big deal???
Thanks wtrav02 but the options I'm considering are St. Petersburg or Odessa. Not really considering "Marsh" but I guess I could pack some waders.
And hey Turboz - see that little indicator that tells who originated the posting? When you see jetmba don't read it if you don't like my questions.
You two may not mind throwing $3500 around with little information except for the propoganda from some company rep to depend on (and by the way when you next buy a car - look me up - I have a wonderful deal for you and I can get you your very own bridge in Brooklyn too) but some of us like first person advice.
If its not available here then I guess I will not get any - but don't tell me what to keep "banging" about. If you don't like it don't "bang" a reply.
Sorry if I offended you - it wasn't my intention but you must admit you've posted the same basic post 3 times that I've counted, in just as many days with the same very few results.
It seems quite obvious that if no-one has responded after the first 2 topics that your probably not going to get your answers here at all.
Sorry if that offends you but thats just my view on it - it's nothing personal.
What difference is it going to make if someone tells you they had the worst experience in a tour. Read what you wrote. You're already sold on the tour. You just want to pick a city. Well, go to a bookstore and buy a travel book. You'll get more accurate data.
I've been to St.Pete but never Odessa. In St.Pete I found the women very beautiful and very very educated. St. Pete is known for it's many universities. Half the girls I met there are fluent in English which was nice. The Metro (subway) in St.Pete is easy to learn and small enough so you wont get lost too bad if you miss your stop. Prices are cheaper than what you'll pay for in US but not by much. In smaller Russian cities you can take your date and her whole family of four out to dinner for $30. In St.Pete that's dinner for two. In Moscow that's dinner for one! Moscow sucks! Interesting city to see once but the prices are jacked and the women have the same attitude as any US girl. My self I now prefer the cities of the beaten path. Odessa I believe falls in this category. I've heard good things about it from other tour guys. Tours are fun and helpful for the first timer to learn the ropes and get the connections but like Wrtrav02 once said in another topic you can do just as good meeting the girls on a private trip and hitting the streets. Don't be afraid to walk up and say hi anyhere! These girls are friendly and will talk with you if they speak English.
Good luck!
Thanks deanis. What you say supports what I have heard. I really want to visit St. Pete for all of the reasons you say - but since so many tours stop there and it is a big (though beautiful) city - I have decided toi take my first tour to Odessa. The slightly off the beaten path thing is partly why. The other reason is that there seems to be a different accent that the women speak with - much like that of the first Russian woman I dated (from Lithuania). Call it a whimsical reason but it is enough.
$3,500 seems a bit high. You can get a round trip flight on Delta for $800.00 to Russia and then go on biddingfortravel.com and see what others are bidding for hotels on Priceline. I just got the Mariott in Amsterdam for $77.00 a night and that is a four star hotel. So Russia should be a little cheaper. You can do it for less than that and still pay for the interpreters and whatever fees they require.
you can do it cheaper, up to you.
Don't forget however if you go on your own you'd have to learn all the tricks in the book they already have learned, and learned from, and you would have to find your feet whilst climbing up the hill - even with more than one interpreter.
Also you'd have to buy addresses from many women who, according to a certain response percentage, will agree with meeting you then. Not all on the same day mind, like with these tours in a proper hotel-environment, with hundreds of women attending. And some of these may turn out verrrryyyy nice, her profile hardly attractive though.
How good is your response-rate, and how many women would you have to contact (i.e. buy the address from) to meet with the equivalent you're going to see if you'd joined an organised tour?
Just a thought...
Yes, it depends what you want, you can go for a single woman. A tour is to see/meet many!
I know a girl who found her husband on the tour. I think that personal communication is more important then e-mail and photo.
My personal opinion that most of men are going for a tour just for sex not marriage. And you will find it. I do not know how many women think the same way but I am sure that they feel rather uncomfortable there. How would she feel if she knows that you have met several girls in previous days?
I think that it would be better to communicate with girls by e-mail beforehand and then meet them. It will give you much more information. And may be it will be cheeper.
You say you know a couple which have met on a tour. How nice.
You think that personal comm’s are better than virtual one’s. I’d be interested to hear why you think that, especially so when your closing line suggests such should be a prior part of it.
Some men will disagree because when having a favourite already a tour is not necessary anymore – why meet others?
I wonder what you mean by “How would she feel if she knows that you have met several girls in previous days? “. The men attending are single, of course they are sex-motivated, and them ‘getting lucky’ is why these tours are so popular. If you know the reasons why there are 100’s of women repeatedly attending I’d like to know about these, and would like your answer on “How should I feel about THEM?”
It is why being able to communicate is so important, for both, because he might have identical chasing habits at home too. If she’s the easy kind then they might fit each other beautifully.
But for the same token he might be the serious type, and when busy pushing he gets a No such might well be a reason for him to continue with her.
Thunderdome, you present love tours like a meat market and that's exactly what I believe they are and that's why I never joind one (and I have money to go to any of these tours). Depending on personality, it can be fun to organize things your own way and sometimes not knowing everything and not having planned everything in advance can be more fun than showing up at the airport and then following the herd. Love tours remind me club med type vacations. Women are like bottles of beer and you can have as many as you'd like (everything's prepaid and included). Sure you can feel like a big shot with 5 women to 1 man attendance, but it's all pre-arranged. There is no effort on your part. Who is the big shot then?
Turboz, a Russian woman wants to think she's the one, the only one unlike cheap, down and dirty American trash (it's part of the culture). Russian woman wants to feel like it was destiny that brought us together. True Russian woman (I mean trully traditional Russian woman not inlfuenced by western crap) has one dream, which is to find her man not any man.
True Russian woman doesn't go love tours or sex tours and if she goes once out of curiosity, she doesn't repeat the mistake. There is a certain type of woman that repeatedly goes to socials. This is the type of woman that is determined to get the hell out of Russia by all means. She knows what kind of man goes to socials and also knows that kind of man is her passport out of hell. The right way to meet a girl from Russia is to write letters, talk to her on the phone, send her flowers, make sure you are compatible and then visit her (as soon as possible). This makes Russian woman feel special unlike one night stand. True Russian woman wiil love you like none else can and will give you her heart. You need to invest in the relationship, she needs to feel you're there for her only for her. It's not about scoring brownies, it's about building a truly meaningful, lifelong relationship based on true love and devotion to each other.
my sentiments almost entirely. I've heard some talk from some guys who have been there, just for a holiday. They had a nice one, and one of them is married.
Not for me, you won't see me there.
However, you may be approached by a similar kind of woman on the street, and being able to judge her is important then, whatever you may want, and only communication can do that.
However, what you say about being 'typical' for Russian women goes for any, they're not that different really. The (initial) respectful attitude towards men is what is different mainly, the rest isn't so much if yoy ask me. The eyes though are sometimes stunning, but that may be personal.
In case of Turbo they apparently were striking .....
Need I remind everyone of the scammmer websites that exist and the multitude of types of scams out there for address buying and letter writing. Seems new ones pop up everyday. How many stories have you heard of men writing to women for long periods only to meeet them and discover a totally different situation than that described in the letters.
How many let-downs before you actually find legitimate communications? And yet you advocate this method as better than a face to face meeting.
Sure some guys will have alterior reasons for going as will some women. Same thing happens in meeting someone here. It's the way life is.
Yet a surprising number of men DO become engaged to women they meet (which says something about the sincerity of the guys at least) and a surprising number of the marriages (according to all information available) last and are as successful as any more conventionally occuring union (which says something about the sincerity of both people.)
I still find it amazing that people who have never been on tours are the first to be critical of them.
I'd have to agree with Jetmba on this. I hear of a lot of eastern women who marry western ment and I never hear of any of them getting divorced!
It's well known that eastern women like to find their "Perfect" man and when they think they have found him they will do whatever it takes to stay happy with him. I like that in a woman. I don't like the english trash that likes screwing your mind over continually.
As ThunderDome said the eyes on my Moldovan friend were striking - They still are. I met her yesterday face to face and whilst she's done something weird with her hair that makes her look like a troll, I was still drawn to her by the eyes. I've never seen eyes like it and in my personal opinion they are beautiful - along with her face and body (which I might add is a very athletic figure!).
Hey Turbo: Its nice to be on the same side of something with you. My entire interest in Russian women started when I met a beautiful Lithuanian. Her English at the time was not so good - but her eyes were similarly striking. I never would have experienced that in mere letters.
Yeah I never actually considered a foreign woman or an older woman until I saw this babe. She simply had fine written all over her. Sorry but I simply cannot resist mentioning those eyes again. They do something to me and I simply find them irresistable even though she has the old fashioned russian "Bush" hair style. I have no idea what makes her eyes so different apart from the way she decorates them but I've never seen anything like it (Have I convinced you all now? LOL - I could write about them forever but I need to sleep sometime!).
Still not sure that "Striking" is the right word but I suppose it's the only word in the english language that is somewhere near descriptive!.
Forgot to say one thing. I always thought that younger men with older women was a terrible idea. I always thought it was a bit pervy and no dount some of you folk here still do. Thats fine until you suddenly stumble across one that really grabs your attention. Don't knock it until you've seen it thats my new moto!
I also never really liked the thought of a foreign woman - I kinda thought it was a time waster really but they actually are far more genuine than western women and if I'm totally honest I think it's far easier now just to look for a foreign woman instead - at least you know they won't be quite as "Playful" as westerners.
JetM, also forgot to say to ya that I'm sorry we had our differences in the past. Lets just wipe the slate clean and forget history eh?