Have been subscribed to agency heavenlyhearts.net discovered that the 5 five ladies i had been e mailing to did not exist.I found that out after i sent some flowers to their home address.Another one was a older woman real address BUT using a photo of a much younger woman. Sent agency many e mail complaints NO reply.many other profiles duplicated from other sites but with different cities or names of ladies. AVOID heavenlyhearts.net or lose your money
never been convinced with heavenlyfarts -too many of there ladies look as if they been taken from a modelling catalogue ..the photos on the site look poor quality grainy images as if they have been scanned from somewhere else.
intersting what turns up when type russian bride in google.
I used this heavenlyheart agency 18 months ago they do have some real ladies profiles on there and it these they use to promote the so called success stories and customer testimonies on there ,but there is definitely a large section of the profiles on there about 70% that are either innacurate wrong names , wrong cities,fakes and similar profiles to fill up the heavenlyheart site.
Yes you will probably come across a lady that is genuine on that site though most of the other profiles on there are just stuffed in to bulk out there web site. There site is a complete lottery and it is total gamble if you decide to correspond with a lady on there weather she is one of the fakes or real.
Agree about this site,H.H. Many profiles pinched from bride.ru and other sites, photos same and profiles word for word. Some real, but many fakes. Get lots of spam mail from them, the lovely ladies list, letters of interest from so called girls.
Tried a few, seems a dead end here.
Many girls, I see at H.H site, I have seen before on internet years ago on other sites!
Yes this agency heavenlyheart is not to be trusted i madea mistake and used them some time ago and i know many of the womens profiles are made up or even taken from army of brides, the whole site is a complete mixed up mess
Yes, I had a free membership at H.H. Got lots of letters from interested fsu ladies, trouble is they were manufactured pre-wriitten things and they added my name as in "Hello ****" or "Dear ****" in a different font, it was just pasted in at the very start of an old canned letter..very obvious and stupid act.
H.H is such a dumb obvious sham site..avoid and don't pay attention to mail from them and press "delete".
They are Australian based site but affiliated with known international scam sites..you can find crap sites anywhere and everywhere in the World..H.H is just one of many but really stupid and amateur in the way they try to fool people..must be run by bored person who has run out of ideas, I call it a "toy site", treat like a toy and don't take it seriously and have a good laugh at the gong show.
agree with you there aussieman41.
9davo .and whats this about city of brides ? i think they some connection with anastasia com dont they. So that is a bad sign.
Pity i did not see this forum earlier. I got involved with these heavenly fart sharks and the girls did a non appearence, and the agency were not much help once they got my money.
Like I said before, Heavenly Hearts is a sham, lot of profiles come from Bride.ru and I seen the lots of girls pics there on other agency sites.
I still get regular e-mail from girls that goes to a seperate e-mail address I use for junk mail, odd generic canned letters with my name pasted in at the top in a different font from so called girls interested in me, inviting me to write to them by joining the agency.
I look at the e-mail and ingnore it..its so obvious a fraud site, some girls are probably real or are no longer around ( some profiles with pics on H.H are very old, seen a few years ago on bride.ru and out of date ) so why would you pay to access this site with a way out of date database of profiles and obvious pasted canned intro letters from the women.
Its like this...don't believe them...don't trust them!, when it comes to H.H
Its an agency based in Queensland, Australia run by a guy with his Russian wife...in the same state where Elenas models is run out off...Queensland is a state in Australia where flakey and dodgey ( Aussie term which means very suspicious, untrustworthy and questionable thing ) businesses are run out off where the authorities are slow to act or don't act at all in shutting them down or doing anything.
Aussieman, what part don't you understand about womens profiles on other websites? Agencys exhcange photo's all the time. Some legitimately, some by just pure theft. Just because a womans profile is on different websites does not make her a scammer.
agree with ausieman the pictures are also grainy poor quality on that site i have seen ad for anastasi on there as well so that gives anyone an idea of the dubious company they keep
Yeah, H.H are from Australia, run from Queensland, they buy profile databases from other agencies, a lot of there fsu girls, I have seen on www.bride.ru and they end up on H.H
Some H.H profiles are very old, 3 or 4 years ago the girls were on bride.ru
They use form introduction letters and paste your name up on top ( in different font, its very obvious ), when you get an e-mail from them "this girl profile ********** has expressed an interest in you" but you got a buy a membership, usually a high end one to get an address.
Its so obvious a con. Don't believe them. Don't be fooled by them.
This is an agency where many of the profiles will lead to nowhere if you buy a membership..the addresses will be out of date or non-existent, what they sell you as are a lot of the profiles, very old.
I have dealt with heavenlyhearts about 12 months ago and questioned them about e mails i was receiving from ladies and my doubts about them but i just got a rude reply from heavenlyhearts so i never used them again.
I also subscribed to heavenlyhearts. I pay for a basic account with paypal, so I could ask contact info from the woman that contacted me. After my profile was posted a mirracle happened. Suddenly young girls from 23 - 25 were interested in me, and they were vere beautifull also. Of course this is not a miracle because very beautifull girls from 23 are not interested in avarege man of 45. This is a scam from the site admin themself of course. So I asked for the contact info from some ladies, a few young ones and a few more my age. I got a mail from heavenlyhearts about the ladies where I asked the contact info from but it contained no contact info what so ever, no email address, no street address, nothing. I payed for contact info for 5 laidies and the same story again and again. No repley about my email about this. This site does not only have scam profiles, they are scammers themself! Never use this site!