Okay, to anyone who has read any of my previous posts - I've pretty much decided to go to Odessa as a part of a group tour. But the problem is I have been writing to one Russian woman from a distant area (from Odessa) that I would like. She lives in Perm. Would it be easier for me to fly internally to Perm at the end of the Oddesa tour (even getting a Russian visa)? Or would it be asier and less expensive to pay for a two way plane ticket to have her fly to and meet me in Odessa? 've been told that flying within the FSU is cheap (by western standards) and easy for Russians. What should I expect it to cost? Anybody? (Olga - the moderator - your suggestions are most certainly requested.)
I suggest you to fly, or get her there by train. meet her in Odessa, it is much nicier than Perm. arrange hotel room for her and tickets. it will be difficult for you to travel inside Russia without the guide anyway. contact Olga for help with arrangments if you need it. service@fiance.com
As for the plane tickets. May be by western standards its cheap, but for Russians it is not. Flight ticket from Ekaterinburg( there are no flights from Perm to Odessa) costs approximately 300$(unless she is a student and has some discounts).Train ticket costs like 50-100$.
Not so sure about her coming to see you in Odessa - Remember your there looking for women right? - She will also realise this and it might disturb her to think you flew her over to you for a "quickie"!. If I were you i'd stay quiet about Odessa and just fly to russia to see her before/after Odessa.
Jet, Olegnay and Olga (what a coincidence of names like we say a male Olga) all they want is to sell you services for a very hefty premium. When you buy packaged vacation in the West, you expect to get a good deal and you get it most times. This is not the case in Russia. I've been five times to Ukraine and purchased packaged trip twice. Both times I was ripped off. Expect to pay 100% markup on everyhting even on air fare if they get you plane tickets.
I agree Russia is more difficult to travel around than Ukraine (except Moscow and Petersburg). It is best to tell your girl to take the train and go to meet you in Moscow or even better in Kiev (so you don't have to get a visa for Russia which is costly and time consuming). If you decide to meet her in Kiev, I can suggest you to rent apartment from a guy whom owns apartments downtown at excellent locations and he'll charge you much lower price than the ntour operators. I used him 3 out of 5 of my trips (the ones that I arranged myself). He has a web site www.kievhotelservice.com. You'll pay from $40 to 60 per day and he'll pick up the girl from the train station and bring her to the airport to meet you for no charge. You'll pay for drop-off to the airport $15. Remember you'll have to pay for two apartments for first meeting to be a gentleman, so you should multiply by two.
Agree with Turboz don't mix this girl with the tour. Tour is for fun and maybe (unlikely in my opinion) you'll find someone for serious. This girl that you met through correspondence is more likley to be for serious.
Strongly advise tell her to take the tain and go to Kiev or if it's difficult for her have her meet you in Moscow. Moscow is more expensive than Kiev. GoToRussia.Com has apartments from $80-$100+. Moscow is easy to find apartments, check around and DON'T BUY A PERSONAL TOUR THEY'LL RIP YOU OFF. You'll get ripped off in your Odessa tour, but at least you know it and it will be an experience. The personal tour rip off is more ridiculous, trust me.
Tell the girl to buy train ticket and you'll reimburse her when you meet. It is much cheaper for you this way. That's what I did each time I met Yulia in Kiev. The train ticket from Kharkov to Kiev (about 450km) costs 42 hrivnyas (about 8 dollars). When I was looking to bring a girl from Ufa to Moscow to meet her the cost was about $50. The plane ticket cost about $100. Perm and Ufa are about same distance from Moscow.
Thanks wtrav - I suspected the prices quoted were a bit high. Can't blame Olga or Olegnay after all its the capitalist way (Russians learned fast). And of course it is always best to reimburse the woman when you see her, or of course, you will not her, or your sent ahead funds. Also seems obvious to me that I am going to be ripped off on my tour to Odessa, but it also seems to be a necessary evil since I have never traveled to Europe before much less to the FSU. Seems much more reasonsable to be way overcharged but at least guided through the beauracracy and language barriers the first time. I fully expect to go on my own soon after and perhaps then will utilize the services of the apartment provider in Kiev.
Don't know exactly what to expect from the tour. One company seemed a lot more party oriented (dancing girls in a disco during the "socials") than another, which seemed more "job interview" like (soft music while everyone sits around a table taking notes during "socials"). If I'm not likely to meet women I want to hook up with permanently anyway (as you say just for fun) - why wouldn't I want the dancing disco girls? Lengthy formal interviews aren't my idea of fun. That's why I asked in previous questions which tours comapnies were best (specifically asking for those who had taken them).
Thanks also for your comment Turboz - but unfortunately I already mentioned that I would be attending a romance tour to the girl. Bad idea in retrospect. She still seemed anxious to meet me but less enthusiastic.
To wtrav again: You mention that you went on two romance type tours, I presume with AFA (based on other threads read here in this fourum). Don't know a polite way to put this question: But how much "fun" goes on? Read a book called "To Russia For Love" in which a heavy-set guy who looks like (Seattle Seahawks) football coach Mike Holgrem had his share of "experiences" (not exactly a stand in for Brad Pitt). On the other hand - I saw an MTV show where the obnoxious subject guy claimed nothing happened on the entire trip. Bottom line (still trying to be polite here). How ready willing and able are the women I am likely to meet going to be? Especially what was your personal experience. Feel free to email me directly if question here is inappropriate.
I really dont know where wtrav02 found 100$ plane tickets .If she is a student-then may be, her one way ticket can cost around 2.500 roubles( 80$). If not, its around 4.700 roubles.One way.
The prices I gave you are from www.polets.ru
http://www2.polets.ru/cgi-bin/sh.pl?Mode=Tarifs&CityFrom=ekb&CityTo=ods&Pas =ALL&Class=0
its on Russian but you can see the costs. You cna also check this info with Aeroflot site, I am sure thay have it.
I am not interested in giving fake costs, just because our company is not dealing with tickets. And even if we have to get thos efopr girls upon customer's request, we alway tell him the real price and the additional cost we'll add to it as a service fee.
you're going to these socials (whatever form you choose) and you're going to be introduced to loads of women, of which you can pick & choose. In fact it’s what you pay for.
If you don't feel like doing some 'homework' during these socials I'd say go for broke with the first one which seems ready & set, and have a ball. Just don’t regret this costly one-only introduction later.
Doing some grassroots-work there however just might pay in the longer run, and will definitely fill your little black book.
But no matter what, bugger the socials in any case - you'll have plenty time to exhaust yourself thoroughly if you want to, there's plenty clubs, bars, dancing’s and the like.
After all, you're going to be on holiday aren't you? You will find out how approachable these women are, in fact they might even approach you (dunno what you look like mate :).
Regarding your line to send ahead funds to your girl - might be a good way to test if she's for real, especially now you’ve made her jealous a bit. Some say never send cash but sometimes this is just what one should do - go for broke, you can afford it.
When she shows (she probably will) treat her accordingly then, if not you've not lost anything important.
Have fun!
To Wtrav –
I’ve accused you for ‘having a ball’ and ‘depleting yer batteries’ and still stand for these remarks. Especially now I’d say, but let me add a new one: You’re probably even enjoying it!
Good on you mate, have fun – just don’t become a boring old phart now will ya?
The two tours I talked about were personal tours, it means I had a tour company make arrangements for me and my girl (one girl) for traveling, lodging, pickups, driver, tours, etc. just like a tour company would do for a group of people. This is called personal tour as opposed to group tour. Personal tour can include socials just like a group tour. My personal tours included no socials and I have never been in a social. My information about socials comes from readings and that one woman who had attended socials. Also, you can participate in a social even if you're not part of a tour, even if you're just in town. The Kiyv Post has a permanent ad from loveme.com (i.e. AFA) inviting foreigners who are in town to their socials. What that girl told me about the social she attended was that it is lame, and the problem is only fat, ugly, old men go to these and agency gives girls little champaigne and some snacks. That was for AFA. I have no idea what other agencies do.
If I wanted to have some fun on the quick, I would hire an escort service to tailor a sex tour to my personal flavor. Going on a group tour to get something everybody else can get for a couple hundred (that's how much they charge you to join in a social) is plain stupid. I read in an article that women think men who go to these socials are stupid men because they can get the same for a lot less money. Flashing money down the toilet in front of a woman and treating her like a piece of meat in the butcher's shop does not earn you anything. Woman who is impressed with these things and respects this kind of man is woman who comes to you only for your cash. If that's what you want, then why not hire a bunch of experienced hookers and guarantee your satisfaction? And one more, why not go to Vegas and hire the hookers, but instead travel to Ukraine? That's it for me for this one. Good luck!
AFA throws a good social. It's like wedding reception with snacks, champaigne, 250 women and 25 or less guys. Most girls are for real but some are players too. I hooked up on my first social. Wasn't my intention but couldn't resist that great ass! I easily could have hooked up every night but I can get laid at home. I'm looking for the real thing. For the quality of the hooker (I saw 9's) in St. Pete or Yalta $100 for two hours that same hooker would cost you $500 or more in Vegas. Haven't crossed that line yet myself but was very tempted for $100!
First of all - I've never used the services of a hooker here in the States nor would I want to in Ukraine. It's just against my principals. Ultimately I want to meet the one. As I have explained before I met a wonderful woman from Lithuania who I cannot forget. Have never found anyone like her in an American girl - so I am looking for a Ukrainian. My comment was simply based on the idea that (I perceived) women did not take seriously the men who attend these things. If that was the case - and they just wanted to party - then why waste time pretending it was something else. I don't understand the language yet well enough to go on my own - and I do not feel comfortable yet depending on an interpreter. With a little more confidence - I hope to consider that option. Meanwhile - a gropu tour is it. I should explain by the way that I am not a fat balding old man. I'm 6'2" and 190 pounds in muscular and in good shape with a full head of hair. No Brad Pitt, but no Mike Holmgren either, some consider me attractive. And to Thunderdome - unfortuantely I'm not rich. Got a bunch of professional degrees and licenses so I'm perhaps upwardly mobile - but certainly not rich.
Not to nitpick dtrav - bu tI am aware that outsiders can attend the socials but they charge $300 to $400 apiece. There are three social which (@ $350 each) comes to $1050. I've looked at flights from JFK to Kiev - they are roughly $1000. Ten nights in a decent hotel at even only $80 per night comes to $800. Add these costs together and you come to $2850 not much of a savings from the $3050 a tour costs. Of course for the $200 premium you save headaches, get "coach" rides and other freebies and get an added measure of confidence having the whole thing tied together in a country you have not much familiarity with. The price may seem high - but its certainly not outrageous.
Surfsand: Good to comment when (you admit) you don't know (anything about) me or what I'm talking about. Did you read the thread? What "number" and "address" do I have wrong? In short, what the hell does you comment mean? (If anything.)
Just tell your Russian friend that you decided not to go on the romance tour - Tell her you cancelled it (even though your still going!) and see if that cheers her up a little. Meahwhile have a prowl around the Ukraine and see what other women are about!
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Russian brides > Main Forum > Want to fly a Russian girl to Odessa to meet me (or fly to meet her).