i have been communicating with lady in Russia of three weeks, private email.
she has become rather persistent in wanting my home mailing address and phone number all at once.
her home mail address is not available for me as she claims because thieves and broken mail box.
the phone number is great but wanting my full mailing address has me thinking whats her game.
normally i wouldn't worry about such things, it just something nags me about her letters.
am i just been a little paranoid, identity theft is a problem out there isn't it.
Most mail boxes in apartment buildings in the FSU are in a common area. They are small sheet metal things with unlockable hinged covers on the top. BOTH of my FSU girlfriends (past and present) had asked me not to send them anything that might tempt a thief. I once sent a picture post card and was asked never to do that again without an envelope as it lets other people know that she knows a westerner - and they might think that she has some access to some source of funds. So her concern in that area is typical of MY experience.
Regarding her wanting to know your address - it just might be possible that she wants to SEND you something. Several FSU ladies have sent me things (cards, pictures, etc.) as surprises. Unlike their western counterparts FSU ladies sometimes LIKE to do nice unanticipated things for guys that they like!
Correct Jetmba. Those mailboxes must have been commonly used once, I've never seen them used by anyone on my travels.
I think shes going a be a little paranoid, that you don't want to give out your home address. Imagine what she might be thinking.
I've known a couple of FSU ladies who had access to email through an internet cafe, but they didn't know how to scan and save photographs that they wanted me to me. Despite my asking them to see if the person at the desk could help them to scan a picture, neither seemed to feel comfortable doing that. So they SENT me the pictures in the mail.
I don't know the particulars of the lady you are writing to but maybe that is why she wants to know your address.
I do think it' a little curious that she won't at least tell you her address, even if she followed that up with a request not to send anything to her. I wouldn't dismiss her just on that basis alone, but it's interesting. What if, for instance, you want to send her some flowers? All that requires is she be home when they deliver them. She shouldn't have a problem with that, should she? In fact it might be a good idea to tell her that's what you want to do. See how she reacts. Of course if she's okay with that, then you'd better send the flowers. :)
On the other hand, there are a lot of legit reasons as others have pointed out. She could have also had some bad experiences with other Westerners, and is just trying to protect herself.
As for your home address: if you're concerned enough to be suspicious, you might want to get a P.O. box and give that to her. P.O. boxes are pretty cheap and will grant you a pretty decent degree of anonymity while still allowing her to send you letters or gifts.
Kiwi, I would not fret the small stuff. I do not mind being open with the women I write to, if she wanted my address, I would go with the flow and give it to her. I dont think she is going to blow up my letterbox, or turn up on my doorstep at compromising moment.
As for her address, women are women so who knows what goes on in their minds and what fears they have. If she doesnt want to give it, I would think it a good thing, because no address = no presents ) In itself I dont think it means anything.
cheers for that all,
i think i may knock off the paranoid stuff.
i was just her letters, as well it was her approaching me on free site, fairly full on.
her letters are long and full of really useless info, the odd question of mine has been ignored, as why on the Internet site is your address in the states and you live in this certain russian city.
she sweet with photos but some photos she has sent are of her in same clothes, same window style and window blind, the outside area looks like maybe, massive river or sea but claims photos are of to different times and places, one on holiday at sea one in her flat.
she dose use soft ware to interpret also has some understanding of English, i do put some of the inconsistently down to that.
yes i feel i need to give her some address.
she also surprised me and said she would ring me, phone number please.
it was the inconsistencies that made me uncomfortable.
we have had a few people here who have had there identity stolen, its given them a shit of a time when they have traveled. i haven't herd this from russia yet, thought i should check.
You are right to be more cautious.
If she is young and good looking, or just young and its a form style approach, I wouldnt give it much hope. Generally I think your sixth sense is a good gauge.
She may be totally legit, but I would stake the house on it.
I havent heard of identity fraud in Russia either. They seem to be only interested in cash. Throw your gold card on the ground and they will walk all over it. But they go to any lengths for $2.
Free website, she approached you
Long letters, useless info
Ignoring your questions
Inconsistent explanations of photos
She offers to call you
Carry the 3...yeah. You're right to be a little paranoid. Without knowing more, this seems borderline to me. There are still some rational explanations left, but not many. You also said she's using translation software, so it's possible that something's lost in the translation that would explain, for instance, why she ignores some of your questions. It could be that your questions are translating into gibberish and she has no idea what you're talking about.
However...I would be careful. Go ahead and let her call you, setup a time and see what happens. The worst that can happen is that she doesn't call. If she's trying to scam you she can't afford to cozy up to you for a long time, so she's going to have to hit you up for money soon. On the other hand, if she calls you and you have a nice talk...meh, I'd keep things going.
Speaking of translation software, most of it is crap, but I recently stumbled onto http://translate.google.com. There is a Russian/English pairing in Beta, and it's better than anything else I've seen yet. It's still not close to perfect, but I was really surprised at how accurate it was. You might want to try writing your letter, translating it into Russian, then back into English, and seeing how well it did. You can then tweak your letter so that it comes through the wringer at least close to what you were trying to say. Then send her the Russian translation along with the original English text and see what happens.
If you ask me......if a girl writes me first I ignore it, if from a free site dump it.
Why paranoid...you have nothing invested in whole thing.
Long letters telling you nothing are form letters, dime a dozen.
It is known, men who give out there addresses to "unknown people on the internet" have been set up as home burglary targets by organised gangs masquerading as single FSU women on free or badly policed paid internet dating agency sites, so when you do go on a "personal trip", your house is left alone...and they know nobodies home, so they go rob and empty it.
Such instances occurring have been reported in the United States.
Have you traced the IP ADDRESS of this girls e-mail, geographically pin pointed its origin?
Nigerian scammer gangs have been operating here in Australia and over seas, they do this kind of thing too...beware!
Heh. :) The other thing you can do is send your letters through a translator. Some agencies will do this as part of the cost of the membership (fiance.com) and I've seen it for as low as about $5 per 2,000 words elsewhere. The problem with translators of course is that you have a third party in the middle of your relationship.