Judging by this Forum, the Ukraine appears to have the most scammers, therefore I am putting the idea across, that if no men write to girls from the Ukraine, there would have to be a response, either the scammers would defect elsewhere or hopefully they would be put out of business, i don't expect men currently writing to a Ukrainian girl to stop.
But why don't the men on this forum at least agree to do this? about time we collaborated as men and fought back...show em we're not patsies..who knows it might catch on!!!
Ukraine id mentioned most often because it has one of the largest populations in the FSU, exceptionally beautiful women, the most marriage agencies and profiles, and (for most of us anyway) you don't need a visa to go there.
It still has a depressed economy though (relatively speaking, compared to the west).
These factors make it a haven for those looking for a potential wife. And a haven for potential scammers (on BOTH sides) as well.
Zeeco you are right there are too many patsies as you call them in the U.S.
The only reason there are scammers out there as there are too many idiots willing to fool themselves into thinking that money can buy love.
I was one of them and learnt my lesson the hard way with a western woman,however older and now wiser I know that if you don't hand over the money you can't get scammed.
If your girl truly believes in you then money won't matter so the first sign of demands for money I will hit the road.
I am also writing to girls from Russia and Moldova.
alexander, EU people don't need a visa for Moldova, and for Russia a visa only takes a few days and is easy to get, i would imagine it is the same for the U.S. so that is not really a major contributory factor.
Money can't buy love and neither can us 40 plus and over dreamer guys that think that a 20 something FSU girl will marry and shack up with them...it just won't happen and in the off chance that it does happen it will not last...marriage will be dead in 3 years with the dreamer left out in the cold, both emotionally and financially.
Be realistic here..all women are the same everywhere...really would a woman in your own countries want to hang out and marry an old fart if they are 20 somethings ( exception is if you are a millionaire, they will marry your money, not you!)
Zeeco...yes it is esay to get visa for russia...but a hassle because you have to plan at least 1 month prior to
get visa and pay $100-$250 for visa. I like the fact i can plan within a couple weeks and go to ukraine AND
not worry about registering papers AND get hassled by police to see my papers.
My UA visas used to cost me some $50 a time, I have a collection of them in my passport, I never imagined that I would voice approval of such a poxy song contest :)
beemer, if the thought of spending a few dollars is going to reduce the chances of finding that special woman,by leaving out Russia, you have to question your intentions!
I think that the Eurovison song contest is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen. I mean...c'mon. A whole COUNTRY judged, not even by a single artist, but by a single SONG?
But every girl over there knows who won in any given year.
Zeeco...I have been through the 'hassle' 3 times, so my intentions were fine. If I do find another girl to visit, yes I will go back. That doesn't change the fact it IS more of a hassle than going to other FSU countries but at moment my attention is in Odessa.
well... my girl is in kiev, i certainly didn't plan it, it just kind of happened. i'm going to see her in february, for her birthday, though i haven't even started to look into visa's and things yet! :-) /pete