Another things... Make sure you get the to see the girls teeth... try to see a photo where she smiles, as many of the teeth are BAD on Russian Women;-)
hahahaha:))))))))) now u r complaining of girl's teeth:))) interesting:))) u think on arrival to the UK she ll run forward the nearest dentist's to have a holliwood smile?:))))))) yeah.... it would cost u a pretty penny:))))))) i know that dentis's expenses r very high in the us and europe. so maybe u r right to take precautions against high expenses and get rid of this problem until this problem is not one of yrs
I think 20 ladies may not be enough for you to find your partner. I think it will not be a very big problem finding one with good teeth but to find one who will love you and follow you back to England, I think you better cast a wide net.
Britman..???? Come on man!! I think you... and dear... dear.. Martin are(sorry Martin..past tense..did!) not doing us UK fellas any good with such negativity. I read this forum alot, and yes I know it is not an easy task in finding a foreign bride, but, you own posts and if you are to succeed you have to believe in success, otherwise the result can only be negative....
Im sorry Britman You no nothing Have you ever dated a russian or Ukraine woman.I dont think so.Have you ever been to Russia or Ukraine...I dont think so.Any you guys want help or information just ask me.
well after seeing the freaks from USA (castouts I think) loners, no hopers, saddo's) arrive in Ukriane looking for a wife.. not wonder they abuse you all:-)
been to Ukriane Kiev, Odesa, Nikolave, Kherson MANY times, seen it all, dated a translator from a well knwo agency, dated many other girls, NO love, some scammers, some nice, most not nice, f@cked one or two, dumped several, not given loads a look in, found me mate a wife, beenw ith the empty eyes souless women who pretend to be the greatest mothers, wives, the most faithful in the world, but guys YOU read between the lines, live in hope, not in a fantasy.
I wonder if any of the agencies ever considered rating the ladies by IQ. It appears that if they could be found in the FSU a class of IQ 50 and below would be of a huge benefit to a few of the guys searching.