After this meeting I decided that trying to get to know someone with messages was not reliable and so I decided to fully use the services of the agency. My original intention was to spend loads of time with N, but after this meeting I didn’t see the point meeting her again. The agency fee was a fixed $100 so I decided to use them to line me up with as many as possible. The apartment was $25 / night and so the bank was not getting broken. I met a whole succession of girls and ladies ranging from 18 to 35 and I have to say the agents were as helpful as could be, and were very kind. I was well looked after but after 11 days I contacted an agency in Nikolaev and decided to go there because I had been there before and knew there would be gamillions of girls there.
I got off the train about 1pm on a Tuesday in Nikolaev and was met by Z who took me to her apartment to look at the girls she has on her computer. Wow! There were loads of nice looking girls ! I had a series of dates with some girls, but really it began to feel like groundhog day .. they didn’t want to drink, or to party, and at 9 pm they were ready to go home, it was like a script. I was paying $20 for every meeting but felt like I was getting nowhere. On Friday it was a wet rainy day and I had been alone all day waiting to go on a second date, when I got a text saying she couldn’t make it. I was so bored and frustrated and disillusioned and paranoid that I was a mug .. I rang Z and thankfully she sorted something out and life changed forever !!
I had to get out of the apartment to I marched off down to the VIP casino and started to drink and gamble. Then I got a call from A, she came to meet me and seemed upbeat and fun. She is a translator and she asked me if I knew the Englishman who owns a restaurant in town? She had worked for him when he was buying the restaurant 6 months previous. She took me to meet him and there I bumped into Stan the Canadian. When I heard Stan’s story I stopped feeling sorry for myself. He had been there 10 days and not met single lady. He had been using the pay as you go messaging services and was getting excuses like ‘I broke my leg’ from the women. It was so so so great to talk to Stan and exchange all our stories; so many of the same kinds of weird, inexplicable behaviour we encountered. The 4 of us; me, Stan, A and the owner who I think I can name Gasha all had a great chat about everything.
We were on a high and decided to go to the disco called Delerium !!!!! Oh my god oh my god …. This is my kind of place .. low lights and dance music .. we went to the bar and had a look around .. the place was packed with girls !! and not just any girls .. hot hot girls .. I asked the bar man if he had champaine he said yes, I said how much, he said $5 and I said we’ll have 3 bottle and 3 glasses please !!!! come on !!! We got drunk, me especially, ‘A’ was dancing a wiggling her booty into my crotch, Stan was smiling all night. I only remember bits, it was such a relief to find good company and let of steam.
The next day Stan was going over all the details of all the girls I was getting involved with. I couldn’t remember any of it, but apparently I was groping a kissing loads of them . Also I got a text saying ‘how are you today? You were so drunk’ . I had no memory of her but I pretended and arranged to meet her. I took Stan with me and she brought a friend and we went for a game of their ridiculous billiards. Stan was showing the friend magic tricks while I was giving a very close quarter lesson in how to cue to Vicky. I don’t know if it was the perfume, the tight fitting mini skirted body dress or her willingness to nestle into me, but mr happy woke up and had very good stretch indeed. As I sat back down and watched Vicky strut around the billiard table with her high boots, tight dress the skirt of which was about level with the crease of her arse .. and what an behind!!! Everything made sense and I knew why I was there! I was literally drooling at the mouth and she smiled as she noticed.