Anyone know the cheapest way to call Ukraine from UK?
Most of these cheap rates from landlines are very poor quality wise, So I tend to use my mobile which is cheaper than BT's extortionate rates.
Anyone recommend anything where the line quality is good?
If you have good quality Internet Yahoo phone out with yahoo messenger works the best for me. Use a microphone and your computer speakers and you have better sound quality than a telephone. It costs maybe 11 cents a minute US.
I have used "TELE DISCOUNT" many times to phone the u.s.a from England at one penny a minute,Bargain. I also used this service in January of this year to phone ukraine it was then 3 pence a minute-the rate may have changed rates since then though.
I used skype videophone today for the first time. It dropped out 3 times, but you can't beat the price- free. Video quality was great too, fast realtime encoding with little motion blur. Easy to watch a person talk as though you were in person.
Yes badpenny but you can only talk free to someone who has an Internet phone in the FSU. A lot of internet gate phones are free or have a low monthly fee to reciprocating countries but you will have a charge when you leave the Internet to a land phone or cell phone in the FSU.