I am a Danish man who has found a beautiful Russian woman. She is from Volgograd, from 1974, and I am a native Dane, from 1964. We have been together a couple of times throughout the last year - the latest in Egypt in October-November 2007. Before that, we have also met in her city Volgograd - at the latest July-August 2007.
Now, when we were together the last time, I proposed to her and she said yes; however, now all the bureaucracy with getting her here begins. Denmark is a little special, as it has some ridicolously strict rules for getting residence permits. For this reason, I plan to emigrate to one of the other EU countries - and as my coming wife and I both like the Meditteranean, we think of one of the islands down there - t.ex. Malta.
Does anybody - by any coincidence - have any knowledge or suggestions for where it will be easiest to get her into EU, and how we should arrange everything (wedding, etc.). I am really lost in this regard.
Your best hope would be to get her to Britain and when she gets here she should say the magic words "asylum".Make sure she has no documents on her, the authorities here in Britain can Not prove where she has come from. They will let her stay. It would also improve her chances if she were black. This is a proven route to a residence permit here in Britain.
octagon, if you go to another country in the EU its very easy so long as you are excerising your treaty rights, ie working or studying or even looking for work there. She can get a EU family permit, its free and easy to get. The application is judged on EU law and not Danish or that of the country you are moving too.
Cyprus is/was a place for 'quickie' marriages, I don't think Cyprus joining EU will have changed that.
There are lots of Russian tourists travelling to Cyprus, they need a visa but it must be reasonably straightforward and a Google search should disclose marriages in Cyprus. As I recall one applies with all the relevant documents and then waits 3 weeks, or if one pays extra then it can be done within a few days.
Why not get married in Russia? Then its easy to bring her over if you emigrate to another country. The family permit will be issued quickly maybe even the same day as long as they don't deemed a marriage of convenience (and its hard for them to prove this).
Your best bet is to contact the Danish consulate and ask them, Russians cannot seek assylum in the EU, and Cyprus and Greece are no easier than elsewhere, I know because my Cypriet cousin has a Russian girlfriend who has lived in Cyprus for 8 years including some schooling,she has loads of money and is employed but she must leave Cyprus for a certain amount of time every year,only after living in Cyprus for 9 years can you apply for permanent residency. Turkey may be a better idea.
Britain is stricter than anyone and very expensive when it comes to Russain visa's etc, if your relationship is serious, it is better in the long run to do it properly, and there is nothing wrong with Danmark, i like a night out in Copenhagen although the beers are a little expensive by the quai side.
Why emigrate to an existing EU country and not a proposed EU country?
Montenegro: Visa requirement: none for EU, on the spot visa for Russians at embassy (about 1o eu).
You have the med, you are within 2 hours drive of Dubrovnik in Croatia, have growing easy flights to EU via Belgrade/Dubrovnik.
Even more important: half of the foreigners are UK/Irish and other half are Russian emigrates from big cities of Moscow and Leningrad to settle for quieter life.
So obviously advantage is that there is a russian school and an international school is planned to open soon.
You will also probably both be able to gain Montenegro citizenships (ie passport) in future.
As for Kosovo - since RU is so much involved in Serbia and Montenegro and Montenegro has always been none party to former yugoslav war then you have nothing to worry.
Montenegro is expected EU in about 2012 - pending the adoption of EU acquis in infrastructure.