Last Friday I met a new friend. We had a couple beers and talked for at least two hours. His name is Uwe (transliterated, oooovA) He is from Austria. He is 42 and he came to Nikolaev to meet a 20 year old girl. He came to Nikolaev after being lured here by lots of sweet talk and the desire to see if they both had feeling for each other. Personally, I think it is possible he was not thinking with his brain, but that is another subject.
I am writing this today because it is the fifth time in the last few months I have heard the same story. Come and meet a 20 year old, spend some money at your nearby agency and oh, don't worry about spending too much time getting to know each other. Her grandma will be sick when you get here.
Actually, I was sitting at the table when this young lady phoned my new friend. She was so upset she had to go to Odessa and could not meet the man who had traveled so far to meet her.
I hope at least one man learns something from this post. Use caution when you are communicating with any woman and know some of the agencies employ women just to keep you on the internet and a web site. It is how they make money.
It is ok to have some fun with someone around the world. Just remember not to fall in love with anyone you have never met in person and to trust anyone you have never met is not a good idea.
I have met MANY women at Romance Socials who were MORE than 22 years younger than I am. Amazingly - I never remember a single grandmother of any of them that got sick.
Conclusive proof that women who attend Romance Socials have healthier grandmothers OR that women who attend Romance Socials are actually REAL. Hmmmmm which could it be?
As Ukrainian cities goes Nikolaev is amongst the better of them.
I spent a few days in Nikolaev a few year ago and what I liked about it was that the city was 'square' one could walk to most places.
Compare that to a city like Zaporozhye, long and narrow with the main prospect being, reportedly, 19km in length it takes the hastle of a taxi to go literally anywhere.