Okay - I bought my lady a NEW Acer Extensa 5420 series notebook.
Trouble is that this notebook isn't sold in Ukraine (though Acer has some 42% of the notebook market). Not only is the 5420 series not sold there but you'd have a hard time finding much mention of it HERE. Its not even listed on Acer's website.
Okay - here is the problem - the operating system is (of course) in English (the Home Premium edition). She would prefer to have it (also of course) in Russian. What can we do, short of deleing everything on the hard drive and buying a brand new copy of Rusian Vista?
jetmba,, right up my ally, been doing this for 21yrs now.. First problem is - it's microsoft, it's shit,, but since the huddled masses insist on buying shit that doesn't work and excepting it as the way it is the answer is..
Just buy the language expansion pack, if it didn't come with it already..
Navigate to the following
control panel, Clock language and regional settings, See if you have the ability to use Russian.
If not, you'll have to buy the language expansion,, I have a copy of Vista Ultimate and it came with everything.. Those home versions sometimes do not..
I will give that a try. Its going to be a LITTLE hard - since she is in Ukraine with the darn thing and I am in the States. I will have to talk her through it by phone and she knoiws next-to nothing about computers. But we will try and see if we have the expansion pack already. And if not - I guess to buy it.
Another thing, Usually they give that stuff to you now but not always
Couple of other options
if it came with CD's. You may have the ability to add it on as it might have it on the CD but didn't put it on the intial load. Also, sometimes they have a hidden partition of RESTORE and you can reload and in the process you can tell it that you want to load RUSSIAN instead of ENGLISH which is default. ( you do a full reload by hitting maybe f9,f10,f11 or f12 [depends on manufact]as soon as it you turn it on, during POST test [power on self test] just keep hitting keys during boot up before you get the windows sig)
This may be a little difficult if never done before though. somewhat technical
The other thing you can do is call tech support from whereever you got it, usually they will tell if it came with it or how to do it. They will probably do it for you , for a fee of course,
Actually, jetmba, if you get stuck, I can probably help you out, I can write a program ( assuming that it has the russian pack loaded ) that'll just switch it over automatically for you, might even be the easiest way, I can zip it up and email it to you, just burn a CD or email it to her ( if possible ) ,, just double click,