First of all I am a 20 year old KID from Australia... In August (summer) we are travelling to Odessa and Sevastopol to SNIFF GIRLS OUT and GET THEIR RATS OUT... We are not struggling. We are all normal boys. You are old men looking for a wife in Ukraine (struggling)
Now, we have booked an apartment in SEVASTOPOL - 100 a night. Girls will love it.
We contacted the UKRAINIAN EMBASSY here and we have told them of our plans and they confirmed that the idea that we had was UNPRECEDENTED! and said that only men of 35+ even Think about doing what we are about to do.
I have been corresponding with one young lady (my age) since August and upped her about meeting in the first letter back... just to see if she was digging for gold (like i've got any) and not sincere. However, whilst surprised at the letter I got back, I was also impressed... she had written back 'thank you very much for your complements to me. But I think you hurry up. We have only several letters in our correspondence and I think it is not enough for meeting. Understand me right, I’m new on this site and this is important for me to know you better. jack, I prepare meet with you, but can we wait and know more about each other.' So, as you do... not knowing anything about these girls, Ukraine, anything really... heard alot of stories about scams was quite surprised... she was not keen for meeting straight away... I lied to her, told her I was VERY RICH KID and will be there in 2 weeks. She did not have a crack at this. I was very impressed. However, still unsure of this all I emailed the website, complaining that her response was general (how am I supposed to know what is real?), that it was a template, they wrote back to me the next day saying ' Dear NOOGA, I've sent your complaint to the lady's agency for investigation.
The lady's response letter is not general.
She did not answer your questions, because your letter to her did not
have any questions.
She answered your letter and told you about her study, parents, free time.
Her agency asked me to send you copy of her passport and her
phone number (+3809...)so you can call her and confirm that all
her letters are written by herself and ask her any questions you might
I took there word for it. I was only really doing it to get more letter credit without having to pay... next letter she writes to me at the very end of it saying 'Jack, just now I have known from my Agency that you complained about my first letter to you. It was very unpleasant to know that you think that I’m not real. In my first letter I told you about me, my family, pets and university. Jack, I can’t understand why you made this complaint, please explain.
Sincerely, Miss Ukraine 2007 and 2008.
So all this happened, I apologised to her stating that I thought she was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, and I had given in to all my mates telling me that she was 'fake' and I had wasted $15
on my new VISA card. (the only reason why I had ago at this was becasuse I had just gotten a VISA DEBIT card and wanted to have a go at it, buying something on the internet that didnt cost a fortune, I wanted to test it out, see what the deal is with these MAIL ORDERS and have a laugh... well 9 months on and I'm actually going to UKRAINE)
Well, with no mail credit left, I couldnt just leave this slight potentially REAL girl confused and wondering what. curiosity got the better of me, I hooked in for more credit to see where this was going...
After a few more months, and only a few more letters she came out and said that she would one day like to meet me. (my friends couldnt believe I was STILL paying money sending letters to some 'fat, old sweaty Ukrainian man'. So I found a man that would ring her, visit her, give her a BIG bunch of flowers and take her picture for only $30... I had come this far, so I took a gamble... showed the boys that she was in fact real. And had confirmed all to me that she Is real...
The next letter said "Dear I want to thank you for your wonderful flowers you sent me. They are very special for me. They tell me about your attention and your thoughts. Thank you for your care. Such sign tells me that you are a real man and you know what women want. "
When a good looking young man like myself can pull this off, what chance do you old men have?
anyway... so it came up that we would go for a holiday to Europe in a few months... head back via the UKRAINE at the end of it... check this piece out... sort others out. Have a good look at this Ukraine that we are all so curious about...
We will capture our experience all on tape... and expose UKRAINE and its WOMEN to YOUNG WESTERN MEN LIKE US...
I want to marry her, given the chance whilst I'm over there... I WILL get her in this country I hope... She goes to university... she is good girl.
Wish me luck.
Oh, and If I come back and it was all nothing... at least I wouldn't have waisted a cent. GOING TO UKRAINE TO HAVE A LOOK, AND SORT PEOPLE OUT with my mates - I call it a holiday, not going over there with your heart set on something then find it to be a waste of money looking for LOVE...
The problem young men have, when trying to find a woman in Ukraine, is that they are generally veiwed with suspicion. The question is always in a young womans mind "Why cant he find a woman in his own country? Obviously there is something wrong with him. He must have cockroaches in his head". Of course this is a valid question and not possible to answer unless you are going to insult all the women in your country. This becomes very negative and the woman feels you are insulting her as well.
Possibly it is better for young men to look for older women in their 40s or 50s. These women have less opportunities because men die off earlier and therefore these women are much more likely to have their heads turned by attention from a young man.
Best of luck
nooga, the chances of you guys going over there and meeting girls is very high. This is true, in fact it would be hard not too. The chances of you marrying a girl there and bringing her to australia are pretty much zero. Its one thing to go there and meet a nice girl, but when do you return? Do you really think you can marry her on the first trip? You should read this forum, as this will never happen. Its not cheap to fly there and you'll find its not cheap staying there. You're going to need another 9 months of saving up on your paper run before you can return while all your mates are dating local girls. Actually meeting a nice girl is the easy part. Getting her back to your country is more difficult, but by far the most difficult is living with her in your country. But its good your looking at this as a holiday because that what it will be and would be a hell of a lot better than the typical OE most kids do when they go to europe.
Don't think its only 35+ guys traveling there. I first meet my wife when i was 27. And there lots of young yobs like you from turkey and Italy traveling to Ukraine in summer and unlike you they don't need a visa and are only a few hours flight away.
I can just see you now pointing the video camera at a girl and her mafia boyfriend beating the crap out of you, then taking your visa card and marching you to the ATM machine. Good luck!
Youre right there Ben. A young Aussie dressed like a clown is going to attract a lot of attention from the the local mob. Theyll know he has money in his pocket and see him as easy pickings.
I'm glad we have someone more local that will show us how its dune,, fantastic
the problem is i might be dead by the time you have gathered your worldly experience.
don't forget to shave to hide that bum fluff on your chin:)
these young things are looking for men and that will be a give away...
Sevastopol is great but its no Aussie beach
good on ya
Nooga....after those couple posts, maybe its time to change your diaper. YOU have no idea what you are getting into, this is not a video game for the weak minded. Your best attribute is your age but many girls want an older man because of the security he can possibly bring. I can just see you with your girl, having a meal deal from Mcdonalds...checking your pockets to see how much money you have left...if possibly you can buy a drink that you and your girl can share...hmmmmmm...remember to have enough money to have taxi take you to hotel.
You are not on a have nothing to budget. My only for for you is you get back home in one piece and have your that would be a successful trip for you. My feeling is the moment your 'girl' sees you have no money, her focus will be elsewhere, looks only get you so far. First guy that buys her a drink, she will be gone and you will probably be sitting there wondering what the h*ll you are doing and wishing you were home in your nice comfortable bed!!!!!! This is not a candy store where you sit and pick out a girl and she is yours. Your pay-per-letter girl may only be a real person but would more than likely be a no-show, seen it many times, I always have other girls lined up, just in case. On your 'budget' I doubt you are writing to any other girls, which in the end, will leave you all alone....thousands of miles from a strange land, where they speak another language. This is a likely scenerio for you, I hope not, I do hope things work out for you!!!!! Don't mean to be the bad guy...but you need to be aware of what could happen!!!!
Now, we have booked an apartment in SEVASTOPOL - 100 a night. Girls will love it.
Exactly how many of you guys are going to stay in apt???
When a good looking young man like myself can pull this off, what chance do you old men have?
Pull what off.......sending a girl flowers????????? Come on!!!!
We will capture our experience all on tape... and expose UKRAINE and its WOMEN to YOUNG WESTERN MEN LIKE US...
Likely to come back with tape wrapped around your necks...
I want to marry her, given the chance whilst I'm over there... I WILL get her in this country I hope
You are 20...going on what???????????? Marry a girl you have never met!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I lied to her, told her I was VERY RICH KID and will be there in 2 weeks.
Don't worry......she has probably lied to you many more times!!!!!!!!!!!!! have made me laugh soooooo hard my stomach hurts!!! All good!!!:))) Wow, what a positive attitude!!!! I am looking forward to your next post. Out of are you getting from Odessa to Sevastapol??? By boat???????
I'm on a budget... like 9/11 with the rubbish. You fools think we dont have money or something? We got some money...
3 of us in one apartment, is that a problem?
yes, I want to marry... i'm only 20. It would be the best joke ever.
There will be no Maccas mate... only restaurants... Just recently I was talking to a girl on skype and she was my age. I told her I would take her to restaurant and all. she said 'aren't you too young to treat?'... I'm gonna upset what these ladies think, break all the rules.
odessa to Sevastopol... it is a distance. I was thinking Train. what do you suggest? Then it is odessa to turkey by ferry...
another thing? can she still be a no show when I have her mobile number and her address?
nooga.I will tell you good luck at the best you will shit yourself.Just upset a few Russian bears in a bar.They will kill you.You will have no idea of the country and by your words no idea of the customs and how to act.Fish out of water.Im 40 years in good trim and can still pull the girls in my country.I have a steady girl friend in kiev but before her i could phone a girl up take her out back to my place...Jobs a good one,She goes home im on the phone again another sexy girl back at my place.Im going steady now so i dont do such things but dont compare a child like yourself to us guys who have been round the block a few times.We have more understanding of how girls tick.Anyway when i was your age i was doing every girl i could in my own city.Do you have problems getting a girlfriend are not expirenced in the art of dateing.Its difficult to talk to your friends and maybe your farther but us older guys can give some tips Just ask we can help you no problem....Just be careful your in dangerous water in Ukraine mummy cant help you if you upset the wrong people.
I'm just laughing at you guys bothering to respomd to 'nooga' and/or taking him seriously, he's just out to wind you/us up, to the effect, 'I'm better than you are'.
OK, he thinks he's struck a goldmine, almost unlimited nookie with one or more beautiful ladies, let him think that, let him travel to Sevastopol, let him not walk down any dark alleys of a nightime with the attitude 'I'm better than you are'.
Some learn the easy way and some find it more convenient to dictate rather than to listen, he'll soon learn that these ladies read in-depth into the mind and if he's not serious, just out for a good time (i.e. the ladies will love the apartment, have the ladies said they will sleep with him yet having never met him?), then they will detect it, whilst the youngsters might give him a good time they'll ensure that he pays for it in gifts and fine dining etc.
A hooker might be a less expensive option but will guys listen? jealousy...hope u have a great time, wish I was 20 BUT with my experiences!!!!!!
Please remember guys here have beenFSU many times/multiple times, nothing beats experience!!!
I do hope you have $$$, you will need plenty of it!!!
Start your russian language classes to minimize the shafting you will experience.
Expectations from many women are that they are to be catered, if you refuse, consider flagging girls on street,
maybe they will introduce you to their boyfriends...nothing like being you against the world.
Three guys in an apt.....only girls you will get into your apt will be h**kers!!!!
On your 'budget' train is your only option. Not much english spoken in train station, how will u buy tickets???
Nooga.....girl does not always answer phone if she does not want to....rare to have an answering service so expect a phone only ringing....her address means nothing...0...nada.
Be careful in Odessa, or you could end up God forbid like JMOLUV's cousin. Dead as a doornail. Smart asses like you have no clue where you are going and what you are doing. I have a piece of advice. Grow up before you become belly up in some pond.
But beemer,
It's all a piece of cake, one just turns up in Ukraine and the ladies drop at one's feet, bra's off, panties off, haven't you learnt anything yet? :)
I think you'll find that most young girls perfer a man who has made his mark, it is very common for young Ukraine girls, (18,19,20)to have older boyfriends, in fact it's somewhat of a status, these girls want a man who is established, successful and have proven themselves in life, they want their guy to take the lead and learn from him, I think these girls will look at you as someone to go out with and have fun, as far as a serious commitment, I doubt it.
If a young Ukraine girl is dating an older man who has money, who she feels comfort and secure with, and is also dating a younger guy, around her age, with little money, who she is very attracted to, and she needs to chose between the two, 9.5 times out of 10, she'll go with the money, and she should.
Be NICE to nooga. I, for one, want him encouraged to hang around. I want to read his AFTER letter and be able to compare it to his BEFORE letter. It will be fascinating to see the sort of EDUCATION he receives.
Truth be told - and all other things being equal - most young Ukrainian beauties WOULD prefer a goodlooking athletic YOUNG man over an older man. Its certainly true. While at the Romance Social I attended in Donetsk last year - the MOST initial attetnion was showered on "John" a tall, goodlooking, 22 year old, motocross racer from Michigan. EVERY young woman had her picture taken with him and EVERY woman kept her eye on him.
I didn't keep clost track, but it appeared that "John" had some great nights partying - and he certainly appreciated all of the attention that he was getting - but he wasn't serious about any ONE of the girls and they were quite aware of that.
If "John" was well-to-do, and interested in just ONE girl - he certainly would have been very highly prized. The well-to-do part is important, because though it is understood that no 22 year old guy is likely to be independently wealthy - families are closer in Ukraine. And if he came from a family with some cash - and an affluent life style - well it would certainly be to his benefit.
But nooga sound like he ISN'T rich. He's lying to them to TELL them that he rich. He will be discovered very soon. Does he think he won't be expected to pay for ALL the meals he takes a lady to? I have news for him, going Dutch is not an option. And does he think that he will not run into an EQUAL measure of resentment from the LOCAL male population - equivalent to any advantage he might have for being a foreigner? He has a LOT to learn.
Does he even realize that a THREE ROOM apartment - means two bedrooms and a sleeper sofa in the living room? Does he have a clue as to how he will buy groceries - without an everpresent translator - or how he will ge TOO anywhere or back - not being able to explain his address (remember - you won't be able to even sound out street signs) to taxi drivers.
This whole trip is going to be a HOOT. Not for the ladies he finds, but for the rest of us in this forum ans three young Australian guys who know EVERYTHING - get an education in the REAL world.
PLEASE stay with us nooga - and tell us all about it when you get BACK!
I just checked back - he never says its a three bedroom apartment - that means - most likely it a bedroom and a living room (with sleeper sofa) - at $100 per night in Sevastapol - that will buy a decent place - but not something over-the-top by any means.
But he says "girls will LOVE it". Three clueless boys in an average apartment - WOOOOO!!! You'll have to hold the girls back, from "Nooga's Excellent (Uunprecedented!) Adventure".
you's have no idea... The pink bits we'll be getting out, you couldn't imagine. in our short but infectious 2 week stay in the ukraine. lets just say the women better watch out.
we will do what you men cant do...
but we'll tell you how we went with it, so you wont feel left out!
'Does he have a clue as to how he will buy groceries - without an everpresent translator '
man... some people are so stupid. go down to the local shop, pick food up and walk it over to the counter (fairly well known custom world round) I believe... some people are so dumb...
as for speaking to someone... I'll have at all times a ukrainian goddess on each side of me doin all the translating...